Ch. 36 - Counter Attack

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Hello! I have another update!

Please prepare for a somewhat short update, since this is mostly about Pring and Park's downfall lol.

No more delays!

On with the chapter!


It's been a week since the group had planned out their counter-attack on Pring. Everyone was very tense when it came to the plan. Wayo, Ian, Nate, and Cake had been on the look out on Park's motives. All eyes were on the movements of the senior. Wayo was not left alone in the span of that week in fear that their plan might become premature. Phana. Kit, Beam, and Joss had been monitoring Pring's actions. It seems that the girl had been "good" in classes ever since the start of the semester. It had wierded out their classmates and even their professors to see Pring in that way.

They had laid out every plan that they could do, and made every secondary plan known to man. This operation was not one to be failed, because it would mean Phana and Wayo's relationship, and Wayo's safety as well.

"Still no movement from her?" Kit whispered as they sat in the class. They had been casually observing Pring for any signs of hostility. It had been a boring past week since she was not doing anything other than actually paying attention in classes.

"Nothing yet..." Beam grumbled. He had an adventurous sense and was waiting for some action to happen. It made him giddy to feel like a secret agent or even a spy infiltrating a secret base.

"Let's be patient. She has to move sooner or later..." Joss said calming the two down. He knew how these types of people operated, experiencing once during high school. He was in a relationship with a girl back then but an obsessive ex of his had done everything to destroy their relationship. It still pained him on remembering his ex, since there was nothing bad that had happened between them other than the crazy one getting in between them, but he was happy with Ian now, and vowed that it would never happen again, especially with his new friends.

Phana just sighed. This operation was somewhat putting a strain on their time. Him and Wayo were already having a hard time in school, now adding the drama with Pring and Park, stress was evident and they had not time to relieve it. The only way to put this behind them was to expose Pring.

"Don't worry, Ai'Pha. This will be over soon..." Kit said lowly patting Phana's shoulder in comfort. Phana just sighed and gave his friend a sad smile, placing his attention to Professor Auntie discussing things about Nervous system disorders. He rubbed his temples, this class was much harder than the previous one. He just shook his head and held his pen, writing down his notes as Kit, Beam, and Joss followed suit.

As the class ended, the four males sighed. It was such a stressful time for everyone right now, and with classes on going, the stress has doubled.

"Ai'Pha..." a female voice said. The four tensed.

"Yes, Ai'Pring?" Phana asked stoically. He did not want to express his anger out loud in front of the female. He was too much of a man to actually hit Pring out of no where. He gripped his hands under his desk trying to contain his emotions.

"Do you think I could borrow some notes from you? Plus I need some tutoring too." Pring said shyly. Kit and Beam had the urge to roll their eyes at the pathetic trial of flirting. Joss wanted to scoff at her, but held it in.

"I don't have them right now. I'll bring them tomorrow. As for the tutoring, I don't think I have time right now Ai'Pring." Phana said politely. He stood up with Kit, Beam and Joss following suit.

"O-oh... but I kind of need them by today since I wanted to get a head start..." Pring said thinking of an excuse.

"Fine... I need to find them at my dorm first..." Phana said side eyeing his friends telling them that it was starting. They all subtly nodded, grabbing their phones to text their significant others.

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