Ch. 27 - The Plan

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Update time!

I had the plots of 5 chapters already laid out, and I could write them already.

No spoilers again for this chapter and the next hehehe.

On with the chapter!


The two sat by each other in silence, being comforted by the breeze that was brought about by the man-made lake. Wayo, who was awkwardly trying to keep his gaze on the shimmering rows of the sun rays on the tiny glistening waves on the lake. He sighed in contentment, missing the days where all this was within reach. Now, confined within the city to a dorm room enough to house him during his days to study, he had grown fond of this view. Even in the comforting silence and the voiceless conversation between two hearts, things seem alright with the world.

'I miss this...' Wayo thought to himself. He remembered the days where he would come home from elementary school with his big brother, going to the lake to cool down from the stressful days of school.

"This is nice... I wish my house had something like this..." Phana commented. He did not know how to start a conversation being this awkward, for him at least. He sighed, thinking of the days where all he had to do was just stare at the cute junior at his high school, admiring him for afar. Now, those days seem so distant. With the said junior being so close, yet so far.

"You know... me and Khun hyung would sometimes come home early just so we could swim in this lake. It was so much fun just being free, away from all the responisibilities and stress of studying for the future..." Wayo contemplated. The talk with his brother had suddenly made him sentimental to all the memories he had in this house, with his family, and even with the perosn beside him now.

"... but now, I can't even find time to go home and have dinner with my parents. I guess this is the consequence of growing up... it sure does take sacrifice..." Wayo said. Phana had stared softly at the serene attitude of Wayo, whose facial features was complimented by the gentle breeze and soft light of the sun. He had always wondered how lucky he was to have a second chance with this man, with the love of his life, with his future. His talk with Arthit and Kongpob had really put things into perspective, and now, with new found hope, he had the courage to take it further.


"It's okay. I'm okay. I guess I just miss those moments sometimes..." Wayo said trying to wipe an imaginary tear that he thought was falling.

"... the song was beautiful by the way..." Phana commented. He had heard Wayo singing with such an angelic voice, that it put him in a trance.

"Thank you... The song has such a wonderful meaning. It's actually a song from a Korean drama, but I just like the song. I haven't watched the drama yet." Wayo admitted chuckling at his own logic.

"I didn't know that you could sing. I've only seen you dance during our first date..." Phana said shifting in his seat to face Wayo. The younger of the two had blushed at his words, suddenly remembering his impromptu performance during their first date.

"I love to sing, but I don't do it much since I'm a little shy..." Wayo said looking down, his eyes leaving the scenery.

The sounds of the water being blown by the gentle breeze was the only audio that they could hear. They sat in comfortable silence, not daring to interrupt this moment.

"P'Pha..." Yo said. Phana had looked towards Wayo, not speaking up to interrupt his sentence.

"C-can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure. What is it?" Phana asked, feeling something unpleasant in his gut. Something tells him that what ever Wayo was going to say, he would not like it.

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