Chapter 1: Life and Death

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What if I died, what if I lived. What if I am remembered, what if I am completely forgotten about?

Hachiro wondered why he was still stuck in the past. The future was wide open for him, but even if it was 6 years later after the drowning incident, he still thinks about as if he was still drowning. Unlike others, he thought about life, he thought about death.

But who was he?...

That is very much a question he asks himself way too much. Unfortunately, he never has the answer to his question. He barely remembers his teen ages and has no clue when it comes to his childhood. This fuels him into knowing about his past.

The city he lived in was the opposite to Hachiro's dark mind. Towering with skyscrapers and an everlasting sound of the busy streets, the breeze coming from the ocean, his favorite of all, the beautiful sky smiling down at him.

His light grey hair differentiated with his mixed skin colour. His eyes were way too light coloured with blue pupils. His one and only hobby was reading a novel or book. The one he was reading at the moment was called "A Tale of Time".

He was smart, but never used his genes for intelligence but rather for a brief self-questioning. He would pretend like everyone else, but with his corrupted mind he was evidently different. He made sure that this way, he was not caught up with.

He was sitting at his favorite bench at the communal park, continuing with his book. He was in complete concentration with words he read, having the image in his mind. He was at climax of the book when he was interrupted.

"So that's why you didn't show up at school today." Ayame was the only one who happened to know him quite well. Her black hair complemented her light blue eyes and went well with her light skin color.

"You know, stalking me won't do you any good." He continued reading his and pretended that she wasn't there.

"So... What book are you reading today?" Ayame sat down next Hachiro and was wondering about the book he was reading.

"This one is called "A Tale of Time". It's about a girl who travels the entire world to find her long lost sister. It is quite the story." Hachiro looked at her as if he was explaining the most important thing he has ever spoken about.

She just changed the subject by pointing at someone saying, "Is that your friend?" He looked at where she was pointing at only to see his friend, Jiro Hirosaki.

"I'm surprised to see you here. You're not fond of the park." Hachiro eyes were still glued to the book. He seems to be multitasking far too easily.

"Skipping classes won't help you at the end, Hachiro. What have you been doing this whole week?" Jiro wasn't going to go easy on Hachiro. In Jiro's family, education is very important to them, and he was not ready to let one of his friends lack at it.

"I... I..." Hachiro was stumbling with his words, as if he had forgotten what to say. "Whole week... Now I definitely messed up." That's all he could say. He closed his book and thought about how a week felt like one day to him.

"Just because you have someone who is keeping your financial situation in check doesn't mean you can slack off. Soon that person will expect you to pay him or her back." Jiro folded his arms and looked away from Hachiro to prove his point.

"Uncle Kira is not going to expect me to pay him back, his like a father to me, he always has been. Why are suddenly speaking about my uncle?" Hachiro looked confused.

"Arghh... Forget it, I'm going home. Ayame try to change his mind about school, because I have tried and his still a lazy bone." Jiro started walking away from them so he could do his homework.

"You know his right?" Ayame stood up from the bench. "Let's go for a walk."

She helped him up from the bench and starting walking. They were talking casually before it was time when Ayame decided to head straight home.

"Bye, see you tomorrow" Ayame shrugged

Before he could greet her, a truck came running towards her. He noticed this and tried warning her, but she couldn't hear him. That's when he decided to push her away from the street and...


The truck sent him flying across the street and he used his left hand as a brake. People in the surrounding area were in complete shock. He was not injured at all.

[Hachiro's P.O.V]

What just happened, I got hit by a truck and I still survived without any injuries. I probably shocked everyone around me. I decided to run home.

I was in Main Street when I saw that West Avenue, 6 blocks away from my residence. How did I travel an entire kilometer in the space of a few seconds.
What was happening to me, what am I going through.

I was gaining supernatural abilities, but there was a problem. To gain such abilities, one must inherit such powers from family members or predecessors.
I never inherited any powers from anyone.

My uncle never gave me his abilities, because he developed them on his own.
Maybe the same thing is happening to me as well. I don't want any powers, I don't need any powers.

How did I ever get in this mess, I truly wonder. So much I need to know about myself. But for now, I need to find out why I am receiving supernatural abilities.

The Imperial Palace, Realm of the dead

"Master Yugiro, it seems like an old specimen is reacting to the dark energy we supplied him with. As I predicted." A scientist was busy conducting the next phase of his experiment.

"I guess I doubted you, but I already knew this would happen. While most of our test subjects have died when they came into contact with dark energy, he however survived but with no reaction to it at all." Yugiro looked at the status bar and had Hachiro's picture and information.

"Yet, you decided to let him die by throwing him in that ocean. If he died, then our plan would have failed miserably." The scientist tried to prove his point.

"But he didn't, did he? Stop dwelling in the past and make sure that the next phase of our plan should not be a failure." Yugiro smirked at the scientist as sign of completion in their conversation.

To be continued...

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