Chapter 14: Secret of secrets

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(A/n this chapter is continuing with the main story. Chapter 12 and 13 were flashbacks. So from me the Sensei, Enjoy :-))

[Hachiro P.O.V]

All of a sudden, my body was burning. I felt like I was electrocuted and my head was screaming in pain. I thought that I was going to die as I start losing grip and fell to the ground, my eyes slowly shutting...

4 days later...

My eyes started opening and I saw myself in a hospital bed. I dumbfounded by how I got here when I saw Ayame sleeping on my lap. "How did she get here?" That's what I kept asking myself.

She woke up to see that I too was awake. She came up to hug me and I didn't retaliate. Somehow I enjoyed her company. That's when Jiro came in.

"Umm... Am I interrupting?" That's the best line he could throw at us. Ayame yelled at him before giving me a kiss on the head. I look at Jiro and ask him what he was doing here.

"First of all, how are you doing?" He asked. I tell him that I'm fine and asked what he was doing here again.

"Ok, I received a message from someone who would like to meet you. I told him that you are currently unavailable so they asked me to rely this message."

"Oh, ok what's the message?"

"He wants to meet him at his place. The address is 434 Brenwen Lane, Proxima Selenia." He gave me a card with the name and address of Frost Industries.

I put the card below the pillow and asked how long I was here. They both looked at each other before looking at me.

"4 days..." Ayame replied. My mind got bombarded with questions. I don't even know how I got here only to find that I was here for 4 entire days, 5 if you count today as well.

"Well, what about school... How much work have I lost? What about my uncle? Does he know that I am here?" Jiro tapped on my shoulder to calm me down.

"Get some rest... When you are ready, we will head to Proxima to meet Mr. Frost." I knew what he was saying so I laid down for some sleep while Ayame kissed me, (this time on the lips) and left with Jiro. I didn't want her to leave but my eyes started closing like a garage door.

Imperial Palace, Realm of the dead

"We are gathered here in this brief meeting today to pay tribute to Sinister of Death, Raishin Tanahashi who died 4 days ago. A brief moment of silence for our fallen." Yugiro showed his fake remorse towards Raishin

"This does not change our objective which is why I would all like you to meet someone. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Himura Yamada. Correspondent of the Underworld and will be momentarily be visiting us in our code agreements between the realms." Yugiro pointed at a man who was in his 20's with black hair and white skin color along with very dense blue eyes.

Himura picked up a glass of wine and lifted to the air. "A toast to everlasting friendship..." He said. "Everlasting peace!" Shouted everyone in unison.

"Come Himura... There is more to see in this palace... Meeting's adjourned." Everybody just scattered to the quarters while Himura followed Yugiro for a tour around the palace.

They walked pass a hall that had many maids cleaning it. When the maids saw Yugiro, they doubled their efforts to do their jobs.

Yugiro was pleased at the outcome of that the maids produced and opened the doors to his master quarter. Himura was pretty thrilled by how big it was, before seeing a stack of papers lying on a table.

"So who is Hachiro Yamada? His name is in every page here?" Himura continued scanning through the pages. He was fascinated by the information he was reading.

"He's a test subject to experiment that I am carrying. He is actually proving to be a good one. He is the one who defeated Raishin." Yugiro smirked.

"And you're the one delivered the final blow." Himura looked at Yugiro to prove a point.

"That is besides the point. Hachiro awakened the dark matter and he is probably not expecting an attack from us." Yugiro went to sat at his throne.

"If he was attacked before, don't you he will be expecting us. If it's the opposite, then the Elite Forces will be on watch."
Himura put the pages back on the table.

"There's something that's on my mind. You and Hachiro possess the same last name, are you two somehow related?" Yugiro asked this question while facing away from Himura.

"Well, we we're related, but not anymore. He's the reason why I ended up in the Underworld. Let us not speak about him and we related. I believe my tour is over, I will now head to the Underworld." Himura opened a portal to the Underworld and started walking away.

[Himura P.O.V]

I was walking through the portal, I realized that they were planning on eventually killing Hachiro after the full activation of the dark matter. Once that's done, they plan to take over the different realms according to the documents I read.

I won't help them in at all, because there is one person who I need to find and that's Hachiro, we will have a long chat about all of this.

I was at the Underworld, opening the gates and heading to the man in charge. He looked to be asleep but as soon as he heard my footsteps, he woke up only to see me in front of him.

"How did it go?" He yawned be stretching his body, expecting an answer from me.

"It went rather well, I believe I could visit them sometime soon." I say before moving past the corrupted souls.

"You do know we can't trust them, just make sure to keep your eyes wide open." He warned me while digging for gold in his nose.

"I'm very well aware of that, Izuna." I say while walking away to catch some sleep.

To be continued...

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