Chapter 5: Hachiro's in Trouble

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Hachiro's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost. "Was this really the man that attacked Jiro? Why would he even come back to the crime scene?" Questions started flying in his mind but there were simply no answer as to why Raishin was here.

It's funny that you asking yourself why I would be here again... My main objective is to destroy you!" Raishin came closer and closer to Hachiro while he mentioned that he was going to destroy Hachiro. Hachiro was in a state in which he had the tool but couldn't use it.

Striker was then standing behind Hachiro before he placed his hand on Hachiro's shoulder. All of a sudden, they were at the very center of the city.

"Show me what you got, kid!" Raishin was testing Hachiro to see how strong he was, not knowing the fact that Hachiro doesn't know who he is.

Hachiro jumped up and gave one hell of a punch in the face of Raishin. Raishin was embarrassed at Hachiro when he saw that Hachiro's hand was in pain. Raishin only managed to kick Hachiro, which sent him flying all the way down the street.

"I'm only getting started, so you better get up!" Raishin was teasing him and ran after him. When he was at close range, he decided to cut down Hachiro. Hachiro then quickly awakened his soul weapon.


"Now we're talking!" They both started exchanging attacks, both going left and right before Raishin got bored of the dancing around all day. That's when Raishin ordered Striker to continue the fight.

Striker hit his knife on to Hachiro's sword.

"Why do you have a knife when he has a sword? Is it a sign that your his slave?" Hachiro started to mock Striker for simply having a knife.

"Your arrogance will get you nowhere..." Striker then pointed his index and middle finger at Hachiro before he said 'Celestrial Sphere'...

A yellow sphere appeared in Hachiro's face before a huge explosion shook the city.

In the hospital...

"What has he got himself into?" Jiro was asking himself this question when he heard the sound of the explosion.

Ayame's residence

"Could that have been Jiro or Hachiro? Are they safe?" Ayame started to cry knowing that either Hachiro or Jiro was in a very tough situation. But little did she know about the entire situation at stake.

Hachiro started to slowly get up but the extent of the attack led to him not standing up. Raishin came closer and closer to Hachiro, slowly taking his sword from the sheath and pointed it at Hachiro.

"Is there any messages you would like to send to anyone, Hachiro" Raishin was ready to give me the final blow.

"So this is it, I finally get to die... No one could have saved me from this fate... But for some reason I don't want to die, not like this... I...
can't die... Not here, not today...
Get up... Fight back...


"I told you to come to training today, Hachiro... But you just don't listen..."

Hachiro could not believe his eyes. The last person he ever thought would save him was right in front of him. Amazed by what he said, he took a deep breath and gazed at two colossals as they were about to start a colossal match.

Before Hachiro could even take a blink of an eye, he was shocked to see both of them in the sky, and the force could be felt all the way to the ground.

"I never signed up for this!" Hachiro shouted. Hachiro picked up his soul weapon and even though it was white, could see his reflection, the reflection of a defeated man, a man who cannot fight his own battles.

Raishin released multiple celestrial spheres to slow down Kira, only to find out that there was a wall behind the two.

"You trying your best to keep up with me, old man!" Raishin started to tease Kira so that his previous tactic on Hachiro could work on Kira. Kira then released a lava like chain, wrapped it around Raishin's before he started to whisper to himself which terribly annoyed Raishin.

Raishin flew downwards in speeds as much as 200 kilometers per hour, with his sword out, ready to attack the master of mystic style. Raishin was neither afraid nor brave, his conscious was clear and only had one thing in it, to kill Kira with all his got.

Listen, and flow with the wind...
Let be, and attack your enemy...
With calmness, strike while the iron is hot...
And cause excruciating pain to your opponent...

Stab... Kitzsu

Raishin was completely shocked, he was looking at an elite level of mystic style. He was not even given the chance to dodge, getting stabbed by tens of yellow glowing arrows. Raishin was screaming in extreme pain, blood seemingly streaming from his body. Raishin was now in the same boat as Hachiro.

"MASTER!!!" Striker rushed as fast as he could to attack Kira but was already in an illusion spell. He was not sure of what was really going on, he was in a state of confusion, only to see his entire left arm completely cut off. The blood splatted everywhere.

The simple fight between the two or rather three was as bloody as a war. Hachiro was completely unaware of this blood work that is taking place. Kira brought both of the men down.

"Striker, open the portal!" Raishin gave the order to Striker in order to retreat. Striker felt quite embarrassed by the fact that he was to return to wherever he came from, but this time without an arm.

"Hey, next time we fight, I will make sure I finish you, and that old geezer!" Raishin already started giving warnings before the next encounter can even be imagined.

Raishin retreats for now, Hachiro is defeated, and there is already warnings for a second encounter!

Will Hachiro get stronger just in time...

To be continued...

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