Chapter 3: Slight Interest

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[Primon Senior High- Primon]

[Hachiro's P.O.V]

I was leaving the school premises when I saw Jiro speaking to the Headmaster. I didn't know what they were talking about but it looked pretty intense from what my eyes were telling me.

When they were finished I just casually waited for him but never gave a sign that I knew about his situation. He had a smile on his face. I wondered, what could have made him so happy.

"Wow... Out of all people... They chose me... I can't believe that the Elite Force Academy chose me. I wonder how my grandfather would feel about it." He was gloating about some academy having an interest in him.

Just as we we're about to leave the premises, the Headmaster called me and I thought I would be in trouble for all the classes I skipped. I already saw my allowance cut in half, can't the be just fair.

"Hachiro Yamada, I was informed that the Elite Force Academy are interested in your skills, they say you possess a key understanding for many aspects of their program." The Headmaster gave me an envelope with my address on it.

I felt quite happy, but I can only enrol at the 2 years later, so it was no big deal at all.

"I was also told that you had skipped classes of last week, I would inform your uncle about it." He simply turn around and headed for his car. It didn't matter to me, my uncle already about it.

I really wondered why the Elite Force would want me. They usually take in people who are either extremely intelligent or are strong using their supernatural abilities in combat situation.


"Did you hear that?" Jiro asked. "Of course I did" I replied. Whatever came here is on to us. A huge shadow started covering and we looked up to a shocking sight.

"That's an extraterrestrial, but who or what could be the reason why it's going to attack." Jiro's hands were showing light sparks. It looked like he was ready to fight. That's when a sword appeared in my right hand. Perfect timing, but I never expected a sword.

The giant raised it's hands and tried to hit us with it's fist. We both dodge and and look to attack it. I cut his arm off and Jiro used some technique that exploded the terrestrials body with a lightning surge.

After we finished our attack, the terrestrial started slowly regenerating bit by bit. We did not know what to do, that's when the Elite Forces started attacking it and used a weapon that freezed the terrestrial. Honestly it was really cool seeing them do their job and they wanted us at there academy.

Jiro turned around and started going home, I followed after him while having one look at the scene and ran after him.

"From what I uncovered in this incident, there are a few things that the academy might offer. For example, strategy was used to attack the terrestrial, or combat training." Jiro was saying this while busy scrolling on his phone.

I didn't pay much attention to what he was saying. Maybe becoming part of the Elite Force is my new career path. They did their job really clean and from what I heard they are paid really good.

[Hachiro's residence- Primon]

I was training on my own while my uncle was reading the latest newspaper and I thought about how I my sword appeared. It was weird that my other abilities haven't activated today.

I tried my all to awaken that sword but nothing happened. That's when my uncle said...

"Locate your energy towards arm, there after think about how you would use it to defend yourself but remember to keep your energy amount in check." He gave me a really cool advice while still glued to the newspaper.

I did just as he said, a black flame appeared on my hand and from there formed into a black sword. From the looks of it, I would say it's a katana. It was beautiful, but deadly. At the same time it was really heavy.

"You're quite the expert for a first timer, keep it up." Uncle Kira was complementing me for the successful awakening. I kind of liked the feeling that I was getting, everything was going according to plan.


That's the sound my phone, it seems like Isane wanted to hangout sometime, maybe it's a date, I really don't know what to do right now. I just continued with training.

What was mostly the cause of my happiness today was the fact that the Elite Force Academy were interested in me, someone finally sees potential in me. A great way to build up my hopes in becoming stronger with the new profound abilities that I now possess.

I finished training and head to the shower. I love the warm temperature of the water and simply getting rid of the smell that has been bothering me during the entire training session.

After I got out of the shower, I head to the kitchen when my uncle started talking about something that widened my eyes.

"Hachiro, I think it's time for me to give you something that you deserve. He took out purple colored gems and handed them to me. He then said that they are Teleport Gems and that I could used at a time of need.

I couldn't believe it, I could teleport to any place I desire, any place in the world. All I have to do is to think about my destination and Viola...

This day couldn't have gone any better, it was like my birthday came early this year. I received a gift, an awesome training session and a slight interest from the academy. I guess it's true all's well that ends well.

Hours later

[Narrator's P.O.V]

Jiro was at Hachiro's place, constantly knocking on the door, but no one answered. He was there to talk to him about what the Headmaster had told him. He then simply decided not to stay any longer and head back home.

As he was walking, he was suddenly followed by 2 men. He decided to make a run for it, but he was completely unaware of the fact that they were leading him straight to a dead end.

"Who the hell are you guys?" Shouted Jiro, just in case someone heard him. "Nothing to be worked up about, Jiro. We were just looking for Hachiro..." Jiro decided to hit the man but he was easily cut down by him

"And oh, one thing, tell Hachiro, Raishin is looking for him."

To be continued...

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