Chapter 16: Deal with the Devil

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Primon Senior High


I was expecting you, Hachiro Yamada" Sakamoto was in sorts ready to meet me. I was looking at him with anticipation, not knowing what he wanted from me.

"Well, here I am... What is it that you want from me?" I ask him one simple question so that I can just end this whole fiasco.

"I see, you want to get over and done with this. I like your approach." He took out a note book and started writing out something in it.

"Give me answers and I will stop questioning you." I say looking for a deal or in a way for him to start talking sense. He was not going to give answers straight away.

"Too many demands yet no payment. I see that you are very ignorant when it comes these type of situations." He was still writing in that note book of his.

"You know, if don't want to tell me than that's fine. Next time don't send me business cards and bothering me with useless info." I stormed to my seat not looking back one bit.

I started becoming more suspicious of Sakamoto. He hasn't given me a reason as to why he wanted to meet me. When I asked him, he had managed to dodge the question with ease.

I sat back at my desk, ignoring the entire situation. I continued doing my worksheet when I realized that the same thing happened when I first met Arima.

Jiro happened to have noticed that I was overthinking. He came over to my seat suggesting to find a way to get Sakamoto to speak. I was also in the thinking block about that idea.


I am really hating all this. Sitting in this desk, having to hear the teacher lecture, having to stare at the blackboard made me mad inside. The others seem to be enjoying this.

Looking at the scenario he has been in, Hachiro is surely getting himself in deep trouble. It always bothered me how deals with the situation his in, but maybe it's best if I don't but in.

There was something I didn't quite understand. Hachiro took on a member of the Sinisters, the most powerful criminal organization in this solar system. Not only that, he managed to defeat Raishin and pretends as if nothing happened.

While my train of thoughts was still railing on, the bell rung immediately shifting my attention to the door. And that's how my day went.

The bell was again rung for the last time signalling that it was time to go home. I pack up my books and try to dart out the class. That's when Hachiro waved at me while opening the classroom door.

"See ya tomorrow, Grumpy!" Said Hachiro while holding the door handle.

I get mad hearing those words but Eijimikage took care of it by karate chopping his head. I give a thumbs up to show that I was satisfied by his actions.

I walk out the door and decided to walk alongside E (short for Eijimikage). He was controlling a small purple blackish cube in his right hand while having a paper clip in his other hand.

"What are you doing?" I ask while been fascinated by what he was doing with cube and paper clip.

"I'm trying to seal the paper clip inside the box. I decreased the size so that the task could be done easily, its a good way for me to train." He says while sealing the paper clip inside 'the box'.

"I see, well we better get going or I will be late to do my homework." Upon saying this, I felt a presence far behind only for me to turn around.

"Long time, no see Arima!" A figure started walking out of the dark to reveal a 5'8 feet with black hair and light red eyes.

"Sakamoto! What is it that you want?!" I ask while staring at him with a serious look. He was not bothered by my seriousness and looked at E.

"I'm only here to settle things from last time. And you must Eijimikage Hiyashi." He pointed at E while giggling at the cube that E was holding.

"That was a long time ago, Sakamoto... No need to beat around the bush!" I look at E to signal that we're leaving when Sakamoto clenched his fist.

I look at him clenching my fist, ready for a fight. If he wanted take me on from what happened the last time, then he has obviously trained to be as strong or even stronger than myself.

"Not today, Sakamoto... Enjoy your stay!" I pull E with me to the front exit ignoring this incident at all cost.

"Oh I will... Sooner or later I will finish you." He turned around walking in the opposite direction much to my surprise and comfort.

E looked completely confused at what had just took place and I didn't even bother to give him the slightest clue of the rivalry between us two.

La Grand Hotel- Primon


I head straight to the lounge while thinking about my meeting with Arima. I reach for the TV remote when my phone started ringing. I look to see that it was important and quickly headed to the balcony.

I place the phone next to my ear when I started smiling for no apparent reason. I was eagerly waiting to speak to the important person.

"All you have to do is make sure that I have the serum by tomorrow and no later." I say while hearing the news from the important person.

I went to my room, reached under the bed to take out briefcase. I opened both locks before proceeding to open the case. I look at paperwork that was ready as well as a portfolio that had information on Arima Souken.

"Excellent, Operation Lost Form is a go!" I say over the phone while looking at myself in the mirror. My eyes started shining bright green making me look even more terrifying.

"This time I'll make sure that you're dead, Arima!" I start laughing hysterically while keeping my eyes in the mirror.

To be continued...

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