Chapter 4: Shadows

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I started to walk from Kira's place, and while he was walking, he was thinking about what Kira had said to me. Before I could let my mind wrap around this whole thing, I could hear sirens and it was very much close to my apartment.

So I decided to get there as quick as I could, a lot of things came to my mind, but I decided to just investigate the area.

When I arrived, I saw the shock of my life. Police tape all over my apartment, blood that has overflowed on the ground. I slowly started to walk to the door but I was held back by the medics and that is when I saw another plot twist. Jiro, he was the victim, and lost all that blood.

"Jiro... Jiro... JIRO!!!" I expressed my feelings of anger as I asked him who was the suspect? And that is when he gave me a stuttering answer. "Rai...shin..."

A lot of questions popped up on my mind, who could this 'Raishin' be? What was his motive of attacking Jiro? Then all I could get was a little clue. I knew both Jiro and Ayame have supernatural abilities. So who ever attacked Jiro, must hate people with supernatural abilities. But that was just simply not the answer I was looking for. So the only thing I can think of is that who ever attacked Jiro, must have supernatural abilities of their own.

So that is when I decided to do this investigation on my own.

I was at least given the comfort to sleep in my apartment. The scene took place right outside my the door and that is the reason why I can prepare for school tomorrow. I was still bothered by why anyone would attack Jiro in any way.

(The next day at Primon High School)

"Umm... Hachiro... Have you perhaps seen Jiro?" Ayame looked at me to see what type of reaction would I would give... But I already knew what she was doing.

I so wanted to tell her he was at the hospital, but I don't want to frightened her at all. In that same moment she threw me a statement, "I know he was at your place yesterday..." That's when I felt like I should interrogate her about this matter. So I asked, "How would you know that?" She just gave me a blunt answer in these words, "He told me so!"

Soon the most weirdest conversation ended with the sound of the last school bell ring indicated that school was now officially closed. So I decided that it was best if I visited Jiro and do a little more research on this whole scenario.

It's 14:55

I guess getting to the hospital took far more time then I expected. Well it's not like hospitals are my favorite place on the planet. Besides it was all for a course, a very mysterious one.

I got to fastest way to get to the fourth floor, which was the elevator obviously. Then there was a bunch of rooms and I completely forgot about the room number I was given. Then the number 267 which was on a door struck my attention. I knocked on the door and the I only let my upper body pass the door.

"Come inside!" Jiro was kinda already expecting me. All I could do was to take a seat with the nearest and only chair that was there.

"So what do you want to talk about?" And I thought I was the one asking the questions when I was given that 10-star question.

"Well, I'm not gonna waste your time... I just wanted to ask, what does the person that attacked you look like?... Why were you at my apartment at that time?... Who was that person..."

"Slow down, you know I am in no condition to speak." Well I guess I was asking him too much when he was in such a condition.

However I will answer two of your questions. The man that attacked me's name is Raishin. I don't remember much on what he looks like so that's a clue you have to look for yourself."

Damn, I just hit a roadblock. I don't even know what this Raishin's motives are, but I guess I will have to find out... On my own.

It's 17:59

I was still walking to my apartment, in the busy streets of Primon. At least, I could report to work tomorrow. School may be out for 3 months, but I have a part time job that I didn't report to for like 3 weeks.


I took out my phone to see who I got the text from. It was Uncle Kira. He just wanted to tell me that we can start with the training soon.

Casually tapping on my phone I got to my apartment in no time. I opened the door, put down my school bag, place the keys on the key holder and went to the lounge to watch TV, which is by the way what I do every Tuesday.

As I was watching TV, I heard a screeching sound. At first I thought it was just an open tap. But when I heard it a few times I decided to continue my investigative story. When I got to the sink, I could feel the breeze from the suddenly opened window, after I could hear the door wide open.

I decided to get outside and find out "who was behind this". When I got outside I saw what had a figure of a man standing on the electrical lines.

"Are you Raishin?!" I quickly blunt out that question to see if he was who Jiro was talking about.

"Hachiro Yamada, you will be of great help to my master." Geez that man sounded like a 30 year old man that still watches kid shows.

"No need for that, Striker" all of a sudden a man with light black hair with blue eyes. He was the kind of guy that struck me as a Raishin.

So I asked, "Who are you?"

He gave me an evil glare "I am Raishin!"

To be continued...

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