Chapter 9: Hachiro vs Raishin II

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"I assume that you had trained while I was gone?" Raishin quickly jumped to his trick of mind games.

"Let's get over and done with this!" Black flames started appearing on my arms. I was not having the same feeling as last time, this time I had a feeling that I was going to kill him.

He came straight at me with a punch, I dodge and the hand to hand combat, moving left and right before he gives me a kick in the face. It sends me flying to the other side of the city. That was a big hit, got my bones cracking.

I checked out my surroundings, an entire building destroyed after I crashed here. I thought it was a bad idea to take him on. I just felt like sleeping. I was about to take a nap when...


Double line explosion just destroyed an entire building, next to the area I crashed landed on. Luckily, I used a Teleport Gem to get me out of there. When I checked out the area, Raishin was down there, looking straight at me. Next thing, he was right in front of me had a sphere just inches away from my face.

"Celestial Sphere"


This made me feel the burn everywhere but I could still hold my stance. I realized that I can't beat him in my base form.

"So, you've come to realize that you can't beat me, it's just a repeat from last time. However this time, you will die."
Raishin took out his sword and was swinging like crazy.

He had the same sphere, but on both hands, meaning he had two of them. I don't know what to do, I had one last Teleport Gem and I didn't want to use my secret technique yet.

"Goodbye Yamada, hope you turn into smithereens, because it's gonna hurt a lot."


I had no choice but to use the gem, at least I wasn't cooked. Raishin got really pissed off, he thought he killed me.

I was in the sky looking down at him, my energy was rising to the point where black flames started raging, it goes in to a state of transformation, like raging fire that was covering up the sky. My eyes went from Hazel-blue to glowing white, a black flamed sword appeared in my left arm, this is what I had trained for and I get to finally use it. I cut up the flames in half before I say

"Black Mate"

I liked my new form, it was like I was a thousand times stronger. I could Raishin's Side Step. I have never felt this type of power, bad thing is that I cannot use it anymore for like 3 or 4 months.

"Celestial Sphere"

"Side Slash"


"It's looks like you have used this form or at least have trained with it." Raishin was quite impressed with my new form.

He goes for attack before he uses Side Step, but I counter with Side Slash, creating a wind force that was pushing Raishin downwards but he was resistant as always. He than point his arms towards me.

"Celestial Missile Fire"

All of a sudden, blue missiles, about 35 of them came racing towards me. I fly upwards but they follow me.

"Heat-seeking, huh" I ask myself and I was really running out of ideas. So this was his finale, I'm not done yet. I stood still, and...


A large array of explosion lines that covered the sky, luckily I was watching below the explosions, I mean it was cool, but I almost died getting blown up by those.

Raishin was not paying attention when I saw my opportunity, I go on to attack him, but he saw it coming.

"You're such a big fool, you fell right in my trap, I mean a land mine." Raishin threw all the way to the ground. Cracks appeared in the Main Street and it started glowing.

"Celestial Groundshaker"


The entire street started blowing up, this guy is definitely an explosion expert. However, with my speed I can easily escape his mischief plan. When I got out of the explosion lines, I saw Raishin laughing hysterically, in his mind I was probably dead.

That's when I land a Roundhouse kick, before hitting him with an Uppercut before stumping him in the ground with both feet on his face. I attempt to stab him with my sword, but he stopped it with his hands. The blood was flowing through his hands and some of it got on the ground.

"You won't win!" I tell Raishin while he was getting up with his hands still glued to my sword. He was in a bad shape, but he didn't look like he wanted to stop until he kills me or I beat him.

"I have waited for an entire year to kill you, while you were living ur life, I was in deep slumber for twelve straight months." Raishin wiped of the blood on his face, even though his hands were still bleeding.

"I will defeat you, then I will defeat Yugiro and I will take over the Realm of the dead, all to myself. Then I'll prove to them, all of them including that bastard." I didn't know what Raishin was talking about, but I think it was something that he plans on finishing.

He clinched his fist, and pointed it towards me and showed a small grin before laughing like a manic, no, a psycho. A blue flame appeared on his arm and was ready to launch it at me.

"Celestial Punch"

He came running at me but his fist landed straight in my hand. He was shocked since his eyes widened.

"Sorry, today is not your day, pal" I say clinching my fist and hitting him in stomach. He started spatting blood before he was sent flying kilometers away, there was a hole on his abdomen area.

I use my speed to where he landed, he was laughing before he gave me a scare.

Trans... Form!

To be continued...

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