Chapter 6: In the rain...

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In a rainy afternoon, a little kid was sitting in front while he had his back to his house. The kid was seemingly looking at the rain, before his father came to sit next to him.

"Why does it look like the earth is crying?" He asked his father and the father gave a heart warming reply, "The earth is not crying, it's simply happy to help out young plants to grow and become what they meant to be. Someday, you too will grow up and decide who you want to be in this world that we live in, son."

The father had soon left his son to gaze at the falling rain drops. While he was doing that, he heard a booming sound. As curious as the kid was, he decided to go and find out what was going on. Without hesitation, he decided to run to the impact, even though it was very far away from him.

The kid was running with his little legs, which took some time to get there, but it was all worth it. When the nine year old got there, his expression was to be expected with jaws wide open. He found a sword. The sword's shape was irregular, but the blue eyed kid was completely starstruck by the weapon and never even thought about the consequences that he can get.

He placed his delicate hands on the sword and aim to lift it right out of the ground. He pulled, stretching his arms, with his face turning red until he saw something that was out of the ordinary. Blue ribbons came out from the ill-shaped sword and was wrapped around his arms. This absorbed some of his soul energy before he could easily take it out of the ground.

The little kid did not know what to do with the sword that he found, so he decided to bury it so that when he was a lot older, he would train with this. But the poor kid had no idea what he was he was signing up for...

Realm of the dead

"Master, are you all healed?" Striker was concerned of Raishin but he completely ignored him.

"You should be thinking more about yourself, Striker. I'm not the one who lost his arm!"

"But Master, giving the kid some time to get stronger is of a disadvantage to us. You must be taken care of, Master!"

"Stop pissing me off, Striker! Do you want me to replace you with someone else?!"

"Replace him with who?"

Just before Raishin could reply, he was shocked to see Yugiro enter his quarters.

"Don't get yourself worked up about me being here! I have visited all the other sinisters and give them all new mission as well as a mission report. Your main priority is to locate and find out where Hachiro Yamada is. You do know who he is." Hachiro handed Raishin a picture and a scanner.

"Did you give the others the same mission, or is it only me?" Raishin was completely confused about the whole situation and why he was looking for Hachiro again.

"No, each one has a different mission that they need to complete and finish. Anyways, why is Striker without an arm?" Yugiro looked suspiciously at Striker and his gone in sixty seconds left arm.

"It's non of your damn business, so stay out of it!" Raishin was ready for a fight if Yugiro was to bring one.

"Hey Raishin, don't forget who's the one that gave you that sword and made you a sinister." Yugiro was already walking away when he told Raishin that.

"We definitely need to do something about your arm, otherwise you will definitely be kicked out of the realm.


[Hachiro P.O.V]

It was raining but I still took a walk. This time, the beautiful city looked like his previously dark mind. He didn't like it one bit.

Hachiro was standing right in front of a building and was thinking whether it was a good idea to enter the building or not. He then slowly started to walk away from his house and just continued with his walk.

As the rain kept hitting on him, all that he felt was the cold sensation that it was sending him. Then a sudden yet predictable thought came to him. Most of which he did not have answers to.

"So this is it, I finally get to die... No one could have saved me from this fate... But for some reason I don't want to die, not like this... I...can't die... Not here, not today... Get up... Fight back...

I was at the train station, waiting for the next train to arrive. When it arrived, many entered and presumed to enter after them. Im not a big fan of such big crowds. I took a seat that located at the far corner, while having my earphones plugged in. I was listening to the crashing waves of the ocean but I still wanted to feel it's texture.

I got out of the train and headed and checked my phone to see that Jiro had sent me a text. I stayed at the station for awhile so that I could text him.

Jiro: U ok?

Hachiro: I'm fine, just had a bad day yesterday.

Jiro: Ok, just wanted to check on u.

Hachiro: K, thanks

Jiro: No prob, cya

Realm of the dead

"What do they want from Hachiro Yamada?" Raishin was asking himself this question when the sinister of desperation, Kazaki, entered his quarters.

"What are you doing here?!" Raishin was already annoyed at Kazaki. He looked at him as if he was going to kill him.

"Don't play dumb with me, Raishin. I know you went to Primon to kill that boy, but for what reason you went, I do not know. But sooner or later I will find out."

"You can't talk to me like that, after all it's none of your business!"

Raishin was shocked to see that Kazaki was gone in a blink of an eye.

To be continued...

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