The end

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You guys that's it. Wow. I feel like crying man. It's over.
Okay maybe some of you quit along the way because y'all thought it was shit buuuuut to whoever is reading this THANK YOU. seriously it means so much to me you guys don't even have a single clue. I honestly never expected myself to manage finish writing a whole entire book but here we are lmao.
It's been quite a ride I remember like 5 people viewing this book and now we're almost at 500 like whaaaaat. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

sorry that the ending sucked but I kinda didn't know what to write anymore my brain is like slime the past couple weeks haha.

But I hope you enjoyed 'it's complicated' as much as I enjoyed writing it.

As always if you need anything let me know my Infobox/DMs or whatever hell they use here is open 24/7 so don't be shy.

Also FYI they're might or might not be coming a new book sometime soon. And also next time I'm gonna be better at releasing cuz I really sucked at that hahahaha. I know I know I'm terrible.

It's complicated     {completed}Where stories live. Discover now