(2) Retail Therapy

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Everyone was waiting for Cassidy at Natasha's house. She pulled into her driveway with her little red Audi. She saw Bucky was sleeping on his tailgate so she revved her engine and honked her horn.

Bucky jumped awake. "About damn time. Did you get lost? You would think someone as smart as you would know how to get to her own friend's house." He said

When she stepped out holding Starbucks. "I was getting coffee for everyone Barnes." She said as she handed him coffee.

"Oh..well nobody told me that." Bucky said

"I did..you were not fully awake enough to comprehend what I said." Natasha said

"Oh.." he said

"Well lets get going. I want to beat the lines." Bobbi said

"Im riding with Cass." Wanda said

"Thats fine." Cassidy said

"Carol Hope and Bobbi are going in Carol's car. Im riding with Cass and Wanda." Natasha said

"Steve,Rhodes are all going in my truck." Bucky said

"Scott and Clint are with me" Sam said

"Lets load up then." Natasha said

They all got in their cars Cassidy put her sunglasses back on. She started to back out with Carol on her tail. Bucky wasn't to far behind the girls.

They were all headed to Atlanta to the mall. Now that school was over they could all relax and have fun. They finally arrived at the mall. The girls hooked their arms as they discussed all the stores.

When they walked in Bucky said "We are going to Dick's Sporting Goods. Have fun with your shopping spree girls."

They all went their seperate ways. The girls had a blast shopping at Macy's Gucci Coach Calvin Klein Sephora Forever 21 and of course Victoria's Secret.Once it was finally time to meet the boys they all six had alot of shopping bags.

"Good God girls." Clint said

"What? They were having sales!" Bobbi said

They all rolled their eyes. "Lets go so we can go to dinner. Im starving." Bucky said

"Hibachi anyone?" Wanda said as they walked out.

"That sounds amazing." Cassidy said

"Yes it does." Natasha said

They all put their bags in trunks. Cassidy googled the closest Hibachi bar and grill.

"Nakato Japanese Restaurant is that way. They will be open by the time we get over there." Cassidy said

"Great lets go." Rhodey said as they all got in their cars.

They headed to the restaurant. Once they got inside they all sat at the hibachi grill. They all told the guy what they wanted cooked and what sushi they wanted. They also ordered some oysters.

They all came from money they were use to the fancy dining. Cassidy's dad Elliot Cooper owned his contracting business that worked all over Georgia. Her mother Darcy runs her own counseling office to help drug addicts and as well as PTSD patients. Her grandparents are doctors on both sides. She has 1 older brother and a 5 year old little sister.

There's Bucky Barnes' family. He comes from a long line of doctors and lawyers. His dad is Dr James Barnes a nobel prize winning neurosurgeon. His mother is one of the top defense attorneys. He is the youngest of 5 kids.

Their parents are either doctors lawyers or CEOs. They all live in the big fancy houses in Peachtree Estates except for Bucky. His family owns a big portion of land called the Barnes Estates.

It's where most of his family lives. It is close to the Peachtree houses though. St Highland High where they attend high school is a private school. It's all they have known is private schools since preschool.

They enjoyed their dinner as they all laughed it up and had fun. It was their last summer before their senior year was to start.

They all paid for their dinner then headed back to St Highland. Cassidy dropped off who was in her car and left. Once she was and unloaded her stuff she went to bed.

Natasha finished putting her stuff away. She went down to the basement where her brother's room was.

"Hey Nate.." she said

"Hey little sis.." he said

"I need you to do me a favor. Make me 9 fake IDs." Natasha said

"9? Who all for?" Nate said

"Cassidy Cooper,Wanda Maximoff,Scott Lange,Steve Rogers,Clint Barton,Bucky Barnes,James Rhodes,Carol Danvers and Bobbi Morse Hope Pym. Sam Wilson And of course me" she said

"Then you need 8. Barnes has one already. He had me update his three months ago." Nate said

"Oh okay then. I need them before my trip." She said

"You got it little sis." He said as she went upstairs.

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