(10) How Do We Fix This?

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The next morning Bucky pulled in after Darcy left. Cassidy got in his truck and slipped the rings back on. He stopped at the coffee shop got them some coffee and headed to his mom's law office.

When they got there they walked in. "Mom.." he said

"Hey honey..is something wrong? Did I miss a call..Cassidy?" Winnie said as she saw Cassidy come in behind him.

"Hi Mrs Barnes.." she said

"I need your help mama." He said

"James honey.." she said

"Um..how do we fix this?" He said as he hands the certifcate to her.

She leaned against her desk. "Oh my god..James Buchanan." She said as she read it.

"We were drunk.." he said

She went over to her phone. "Mom..say something please.." he said

"Hi Jani its Winnie. Can you put my husband on the phone please?" She said

"Yes ma'am." Jani said

"Dr Barnes.." James said

"James honey.." she said

"Winnie darlin.." he said

"I need you to come to my office. And let Elliot know as well that he needs to come in as well." Winnie said

"Darlin?" James said

"We have a family matter to tend to. Im going to call Darcy now." Winnie said as she ended the call.

She called Cassidy's mother Darcy to come in. Within thirty minutes all three parents came in. "Winnie what is going on?" Darcy said

"This is what is going on. My son came in here asking me for help on how to fix this." Winnie said as she hands the paper to James.

"Son of a fucking bitch! Really James Buchanan! A vegas wedding! Have you lost your god damn mind!!" James started yelling

"And where the hell was your brain Cassidy Bliss!" Elliot yelled

Cassidy looked down.

"According to our son they were drunk..they dont know how it happened." Winnie said as she had her arms crossed leaning against her desk.

"I just need to know how we fix this. How we can be unmarried?" Bucky yelled

"I can't help you James. Im a defense attorney not a divorce lawyer. But luckily for you Barbara's mother Margaret Morse is a divorce lawyer. So let me call her." Winnie said as she walked over to the phone again.

James walked over to his son he stared him right in his eyes. "Son this is beyond trouble. You are grounded till I say so. You think that because you are 18 that you can do whatever you want. You still have a year left of high school so you might want to think about that." James said as he held his chin.

Winnie hung up the phone. "Tomorrow morning at 10AM you are to meet with Margaret. We will be going with you all to see what all has to be done." Winnie said

"Yes ma'am" Bucky said with a low tone.

"Go home Cassidy Joanna Bliss..you are grounded as well." Darcy said

"Yes ma'am.." Cassidy said as she and Bucky left.

Natasha's mother and Winnie's law partner Natalia came in. "What's going on? Why are those two back? Ivan just paid for another week at the house." She said

"Because of this Talia.." Winnie said to her as she hands her the marriage certifcate.

She saw her daughter's name as well Steve's as witnesses. "You have got to be kidding me." Natalia said

"Nope.." James said

"Can I use your phone Winnie?" Natalia said

"Sure.." Winnie said

Natalia called her husband to cancel the second week. Once she did that she called Natasha to let her know that the birthday trip was over.

The next day they went to Margaret's office. They were told that they would have to go before the judge. Later that day Margaret called them both to let them know when their court date was. Which happened to be in two weeks the second week of school.

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