(12) The Grandparents

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That Saturday afternoon Bucky knocked on the guest bedroom that Cassidy insisted on using.

"Cass? Are you ready? Cause I really don't want to be late." He said through the door.

She opened the door. "Yes I am ready. And I will just drive myself." She said as she walked out.

"Cass..please stop acting like a bitch. How was I suppose to know.." he said as she walked out the front door.

It had been four days since she moved into his parents house with him. She insisted on a guest bedroom refuses to speak to him unless its absolutely necessary. They pulled up in their seperate cars at his grandparents Marjorie and James Allan Barnes house.

"Will you fucking slow down..we are about to walk into a fucking time bomb. Our families aren't like the rest of our friends' family. So please fucking stop with the bitch attitude." Bucky said as he stopped her.

"Ugh..I hate you. I will be so glad when this is all over with in 6 months." She said as they started to walk up the front porch stairs.

"Ditto." He said as he opened the door.

They found their families in the sitting room. "Ah..there they are. The newlyweds." James Allan said with his cigar in hand.

"James honey don't encourage them. Sit down Buchanan and Bliss." Marjorie said

They took a seat on the love seat. Cassidy not one single part of her was touching him. So she crossed her arms to make it clear she didnt want him touching her.

"Cassidy Bliss uncross your arms. Nobody needs to see your cleavage but your husband." Maxine said (her grandmother)

"Grandma.." she said as she uncrossed her arms.

"We are not having sex.." Bucky added.

Cassidy rolled her eyes.

"Now let us discuss the matter at hand. The house that once belonged to mother and father will be the house that you two are to live in. Maxine Marjorie Darcy and Winnie are picking out the furniture for it. Barton Contracting is doing the small renovation it needs to be deemed livable. You two will be moving in labor day weekend." James Allan said as he puffed his cigar.

"We will be hiring you all a maid and butler just like you have always had." William Cooper said (Cassidy's grandpa)

"It is a 5 bedroom house. But that does not mean you two will be sleeping in seperate bedrooms like you are now." Marjorie said

"Are you putting two beds in the master bedroom?" Bucky said

"No..you are going to share a bed like a normal married couple." Maxine said

"But grandma.." Cassidy said

"Shush Cassidy Joanna Bliss..we already know that he has popped your cherry." Maxine said

Cassidy looked down.

"James Buchanan this is me laying down the law. There will be no more boozing it up with the boys after games and matches. No more fornitcating with the cheerleaders. Its time you grow up and learn your place in this family." James Allan said

"My place?" He said confused

"Yes..its time you start focusing on your future. You need to get into a good university for under grad school then choose to either follow your daddy's career path or your mother's" Marjorie said

"But I.." he said but was cut off.

"Zip it..I dont care about what you had your mind set on." Marjorie said

"Mom" James said

"No this is me helping. We are done letting him go around embarassing the family. A drunken vegas wedding at 18. Fake IDs weed drugs under age drinking..he is lucky that he didnt die out there. He is to blame in all this she was under the influence and had no fucking clue what was going on. Everything about this god damn mess is because you two let him get away with to much! Now I wont have it!" Marjorie yelled

"Marj darlin calm down.." James Allan said

Bucky looked down.

"In two weeks there will be a dinner party with family and friends. It is will be your grandpa's 70th birthday party. You both will be in attendence rings on acting like the loving couple that you should be. I dont want to hear any buts ands or its about it." Marjorie said

"Yes ma'am.." they both said

"Now..lets go eat supper." James Allan said as he put out his cigar.

They all headed into the dining room to eat.

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