(4) The House

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The chauffer already had the address of where he was going. "I thought you said hotel rooms?" Bucky said

"Well they called and said that they needed the rooms. They had a wedding that already had half the floor. But they needed the rooms. So my dad found a vacation house to rent. Sorry that you have to share a room with Sam. And Cass and Wanda have to share a room." Natasha said

"A house.." Cass said

"Yup..its awesome. We have our own pool hot tub a golf green volleyball sand court. Inside we have a game room. But dont worry we can still go enjoy the strip. We aren't that far from it." She said

"Well thats good." Bucky said

They pulled up in front of the house. The chauffer let them out Natasha got her key out. They got the door unlocked and walked in.

"This will be fun." Sam said

"Lets go find us a room." Bucky said as they walked around.

Natasha checked the cabinets and fridge. Ivan had flown out two days before to stock their kitchen with food. The driver brought in all of their luggage. Wanda and Cassidy found their room so they got their bags to take them to their room.

They got showered and changed they found their way to the strip to find a liqour store. Once they got back to the house they had a night in of swimming and playing games. Bucky and the boys had fun with the poker table.

They were all enjoying their first night in Vegas. Cassidy beating everyone at ping pong. She and Clint took turns beating each other at pool. They ate pizza and wings for supper.

By midnight they were all asleep in their rooms. The next morning Cassidy was up before anyone she started to make breakfast. "You know how to cook?" Bucky said as he came in with his ball shorts hung low.

"Yeah..when I get bored. I sit in the kitchen and watch my cook. She has taught me how to take care of myself when I leave for Yale." She said

"Yale? Thats like a smart people school..but then again its you." He said

"Well its been my dream school." She said as she flipped the bacon.

"You aren't going with the girls?" He said as he sat up on the bar.

"No.." she said

"And how do you know that you are getting in?" He said

"I don't but I have already sent my college applications out. Its my top choice." She said as she started to make plates.

He hopped off and took his plate. Everyone started to come in they all ate their breakfast. The boys found golf clubs and headed to the private golf green as the girls laid out by the pool.

The girls were googling places they could go to. Cassidy was nervous even though she was friends with the girls. She never went to the football after parties.

When they went shopping Natasha and Wanda picked out her "club outfits". The boys came out after they golfed and jumped in the pool.

"What's the plan for tonight ladies?" Bucky said as he swam to the side they were on.

"We haven't decided yet." Bobbi said

"Goody Two Shoes you are coming out with us. You can't be a party pooper." Bucky said

"She is. Me and Nat picked out her outfits for her to go with us." Wanda said

Cassidy looked down. "Yeah I know." She said as she got up to go back inside.

"Goody Two shoes..come on don't be a baby." He said

"Let her be. She is just nervous Buck." Carol said as she jumped into the pool.

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