(11) Marriage Isn't A Game

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Two Weeks Later...

"All A Rise For Judge Hill"

Cassidy had her hair curled and in a nice outfit with heels. Bucky had on the button down his mom got him along with khakis. Behind them on either side was family and friends.

"You may be seated." Judge Hill said

They all sat down.

"Cooper vs. Barnes. I have read all the testimonies that friends and family had given your lawyers. I also know that their is one friend that remembers what happened the night you two got married. And I will say this marriage isn't a game its not something you do lightly. Mrs Morse I would like for your daughter Barbara Morse to come forward and tell the court exactly what happened that night. After she gives her testimony I will let the plaintiff Ms Cooper and the defendent Mr Barnes know what is about to come." Judge Hill said

"Yes your honor." Margaret said

Bobbi came up to the stand.

"Go ahead Ms Morse." Judge Hill said

"On July 20th we were all out drinking. Our friend Natasha loves to play truth or dare when we drink. We had been playing for awhile when she dared James to go in a jewelry store to buy what ever he wanted. But there was a catch if he wanted to buy for someone in the group he had to give it to them right there." Bobbi said

"Ok..what happened after that?" Margaret said

"He went inside. He was in there awhile then he finally came back out. We all thought that he bought something for his mom or sisters. But then I saw him pull Cassidy away from the group. I watched him give her a ring. Which I thought was odd cause anyone that knows them knows that they don't get along. The next thing I know he is yelling that he dared Cassidy to marry him and she said yes. So we all headed to the first chapel we found. All of our other friends were all over it. Drunkenly happy for them. Natasha went so far and had a bakery make them a small wedding cake. After that James was all over Cassidy they had sex all night long."

"What happened the next morning?" Bucky's lawyer said

"They were yelling at us. They had no clue what had happened the night before. Then James bought plane tickets home." Bobbi said

"Thank you Ms Morse you may step down." Judge Hill said

Bobbi went back to her seat by Sam.

"Okay..I need both parties to stand." Judge Hill said

Bucky and Cassidy stood up with the lawyers.

"In the state of Georgia. The law says that you have to live together for a total of six months before a annulement is granted. So for the next six months you two will live together. During this time you will also be attending couples therapy. If after the six months is up you two still feel that your feelings havent changed then your annulement will be granted. So we will see you again in January." Judge Hill said

They both stood there in shock. Once they got out to the parking lot their parents looked at them.

"For the time being..you will stay at James' place." Darcy said to Cassidy

"What? Why cant he just stay in one of our guest rooms." Cassidy said

"Cause we are fixing up one of the family houses. It was James' great grandmother Mildred and James Barnes' house. It just needs some new furniture." Winnie said

Bucky stood there in shock still. "Also both of your grandparents are wanting to have a family dinner this weekend. They want to speak to the two of you." James said

"So after school Cassidy Bliss get your stuff and head over to the Barnes house hold." Elliot said

"Bucky pinch me.." she whispered

Bucky whispered "ditto.."

They both pinched each other to see if this was actually happening to them. "Get to school you two." Winnie said

They both got in their cars and headed to St Highland Private Highschool. They both changed out of their court clothes and headed to class.

After cheer practice she headed home. She packed all she needed and headed to Bucky's house.

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