(7) A Night In

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The next day they all hit the strip during the day. The girls wanted to do a little shopping. Steve wanted to buy his girl some sparkle. So they all went into The Jewelers Inc.

Wanda and Cassidy were looking at all the different engagement rings. It was their favorite thing to do to pick out their dream ring. They always wanted to know if every store had it or had one similar.

Bucky noticed them doing it and giggling. "What are you two doing?" He said as he came over to them.

"Look Wanda its my dream ring." Cassidy said as she pointed out one.

"I thought you all quit doing this." Bucky said

"No..we just haven't been on many trips together." Wanda said

"Steve! Oh my gosh!" Nat yelled when he dropped three thousand dollars on a new diamond necklace with matching earrings and a bracelet.

Steve and Nat have been together three and half years. Crazy in love with each other since they were 15. Once they were all leaving they headed back to the house.

That night they ordered some Buffalo Wild Wings. The boys picked it up in the town car the chauffer got for little trips like that. They also picked up some beer and ice.

When they got back they ate their food. They all changed into their swim suits. The boys threw the ice in a cooler then put Heinken and Corona beers in it.

As the night grew on Natasha said "I can't believe this is our last summer before we graduate high school."

"I know it doesn't seem real." Sam said

"We haven't even really talked about our plans. So let's see who wants to go first." Wanda said

"Me and Hope are hoping for college at UCLA." Scott said as he had his arms around Hope as they stood against the side of the pool.

"What about you Rogers and Romanoff?" Clint said

"Schools we have picked are UGA Florida and UNC." Nat said as she sat on the side of the pool with Steve in between her legs.

"Wanda?" Sam said

"UGA or USC." She said

"Barton and Morse?" Nat said

"Texas A&M or South Carolina." Bobbi said

"Barnes.." Sam said

"UGA,UNC,Texas A&M and University of Tennessee are my top choices. Anything to get me to the NFL." He said

"Sam?" Nat said

"UGA South Carolina Louisiana and Alabama. Rhodes and Danvers?" Sam said

"Air Force..then college." They said in unison.

"That just leaves you Ms Goody Goody." Bucky said as he went to get another beer.

She chewed the inside of her lip.

"Um well Yale,Stanford,Brown,NYU and Harvard." She said

"Those are all the fancy schools Cass..please tell me this is a joke." Nat said

"Its not a joke. I dont want to cheer after highschool. It was just something to do as a extra curricular activity." Cassidy said

"Cass.." Wanda said

"Im just gonna go to bed." She said

"Ms Goody Goody would rather go to a college with a bunch of snooty stuck up rich kids." Bucky said

"Um we are all rich kids. Maybe I just want to go somewhere where I feel like I belong Barnes." She said

"Find your prince charming in some yankee boy. Who will probably leave you once your big ass tits start to sag or get you breast implants." Bucky said

"Buck.." Nat said

"You haven't changed a bit. With a body like that you shouldn't be holding out for your wedding night." Bucky said

She shook her head as she went inside. Cassidy ended up falling asleep.

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