(13) the house.

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Both Bucky and Cassidy got a text in the middle of study hall.

"House is done. Meet everyone at the house after school. Also the maid and butler is packing for you."

Cassidy rolled her eyes. Bucky seen her since they were in the same study hall class. Once class was over he came up to her at her locker.

"Cass.." he said

"What?" She said as she got her AP Physics book out.

"Please try to not act like a bitch tonight. I rather not get into another fight." He said

"I hate this..and now we have to share a bed." She said in a low tone.

"I understand that this isn't easy. I hate this too..but you are making it even more difficult than it has to be. All the judge is asking us to do as well as the therapist is for us to play what use to be your favorite game growing up..play house." He said

"Yes I know what they are asking. But if I remember correctly you hated playing with me. Especially if I asked you to be the husband or the prince. So now karma is biting you in the ass. Cause I dont want to play with you." She said as she slammed her locker and walked away.

He looked down as they bell rang. He quickly went to his locker to get his Algebra book.

After their practices was over they met their families at their house. When they walked in they found their families waiting in the living room. Marjorie and Maxine gave them a tour of the house.

After they left Cassidy sat at the dining room table to do her homework. As Bucky was watching sportscenter in the living room. After she was done she went upstairs to the master bedroom.

She ran a hot bath as Bucky started to work on his homework. After sitting there in the tub it had been thirty minutes. She was all pruny and the water was cold. She got herself ready for bed and went to sleep.

Bucky came up an hour later stripped down to his boxers to get in bed. He swallowed hard as slipped in under the covers and put his back to her. Then he fell asleep not to long after that.

The next morning was a little awkward when she woke up to feel him wrapped around her.

"Bucky" she whispered

"Mmm shh..Im sleeping. No school today." He whispered.

"Bucky..why are you cuddling me?" She said

He jumped awake. "Sorry I will put a pillow in between us tonight." He said as rolled away.

"Mr and Mrs Barnes breakfast is ready." The maid said through the door.

"No..no." Cassidy whispered as she pulled a pillow over her face.

Bucky shook his head as he stared at the ceiling. He finally said "thank you Sienna." As he got up and got dressed.

They ate breakfast in silence. Bucky left to go meet the guys at the gym. Cassidy stayed behind to work on her history paper.

One Night in Vegas (Vegas Wedding Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now