(9) "I Will Fix This"

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The next morning both Bucky and Cassidy were sleeping on either side of the bed on their stomachs. Bucky woke up when he heard his phone ringing.

"Hello is this James Barnes?"

"Uh yeah..who is this?" Bucky said

"This is Susanna from the Little Wedding Chapel. I was calling to let you know that you can come pick up your copy of the marriage certifcate..the county clerk has been by this morning." Susanna said

"Um..marriage? Ma'am I believe this is a prank call?" He said

"You are James Buchanan Barnes.." she said

"Yes I am..can I ask who the girl is?" He said

"Of course..the girl listed as your wife is a Cassidy Joanna Bliss Cooper..." she said as Bucky felt someone moving beside him.

He slowly turned his head to see a dirty blonde beside him. He lifted her hair to see Cassidy and her rings.

"Um thank you Susanna. We will be by in a bit." He said as he saw his ring.

"CJ wake up please wake up.." he said as he shook her.

"Ow..geez. Wait..wh-wh...why am I in your bed..naked?" She said

"Apparently..we got married last night.." he said as he sat up.

She sat up covering her breasts rubbing temples. "What the fuck happened?" She whispered.

"I dont know. All I know is the chapel just called me saying we need to pick up our certifcate. I thought it was a joke till I felt you move." He whispered.

She carefully got up. "Ow ow..oh god." She whispered as she tried to walk.

Bucky looked down to see the blood stain. "Cass..oh fuck..fuck." he whispered as he got up he slipped on his boxers.

"What?" She whispered

He came over to her "We apparently had sex..look..so you are going to be sore..I will get your clothes". He said

He went to her room to get her some clothes. She took a quick shower in his bathroom. When she came out with her head down.

They both went downstairs to see their friends in the kitchen. "Coffee?" Nat said

"No! I want to know why the fuck you all would let us do something so stupid!" Cassidy yelled

"Cass what are you talking about?" Wanda said

"She is talking about how I just got a phone call from a fucking wedding chapel. Saying we need to pick up our marriage certifcate cause we got fucking married last night. Which I thought was a fucking prank call cause I dont remember anything from last night!" Bucky said in a raised tone.

"That explains the cake." Sam said as he pointed to it.

"We have to go.." Cassidy said with tears in her eyes.

They both got into the town car. They went inside the chapel Susanna greeted them. She found their certifcate they left. Bucky seen her wiping tears as she stared out the window.

He scooted closer to her he made her look at him. "I promise I will fix this..my mom's a lawyer. She can help us get this swepted under the rug." He said

"I just wanna go home..back to Georgia." She whispered as a tear fell.

Once they got back to the house she ran inside as she cried. Bucky came to her door to hear her crying in the pillow.

He went into his room to call the airport.

"Hi I need two plane tickets to Atlanta Georgia. One for James Barnes and Cassidy Cooper." He said as Natasha came in.

She mouthed "what are you doing?"

"Um we have one that leaves in 4 hours. Can you make it here in time?" The attendent said

"Yes.." he said as he got his wallet out.

He gave her his card number to pay for them. Once he hung up he started packing his bag. "Buck..my dad just paid for another week. What are you doing?" Natasha said

"Im going to make this right. I have to fix this we have to go home." Bucky said as he zipped his bag and left the room.

He went into Cassidy's room "CJ hey look at me..we are going to go home. I bought us plane tickets. Get packed cause we leave in four hours okay?" He said

She got her bags packed they said their goodbyes. On their way to the airport he called his driver that he uses as a DD for the most part to meet them at the airport.

After their 4 hour flight home as they sat outside her house in his truck. "Look at me dont say anything till we talk to my mom tomorrow. Its Sunday so we have to wait till tomorrow. I will keep this paper here in my glove box. I will pick you up in the morning after your parents leave." He said

"Okay.." she said

She got her stuff out and went inside her house. She hid her rings in her carry on bag in the red box they came in.

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