56- Jessica Makes A Deal

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It felt like everything happened in slow motion. I heard the muffled sounds of commotion coming from all over the house. I saw Jeremy wrap his finger around the trigger of the gun. I heard the sound of the gun firing reverberate throughout the room, but I felt no pain.

I watched as Jermey's eyes closed and his body slowly crumpled and fell to the floor. Then I saw Dante holding up a gun, pointing right at the spot Jeremy was once standing. I heard my name being called out, but I was still in a trance-like state.

My life had literally flashed before my eyes. I thought of everything that had led up to that moment. I thought of everything my life could've been if this had never happened. I wasn't worried about myself, no. I was scared for Arsenio and our baby.

I wanted them both to live and enjoy life to the fullest. Arsenio had his childhood stripped from him and he deserved to feel the joy of living a life not completely controlled by his father or the Mafia. Our baby deserved to live. He deserved to have a father to teach him all of life's necessities.

I brought my hand to my stomach and cradled it. Relief washed through me in an instant and I'd never been so happy to still be alive. I wished for death many times when I lived with my father. I prayed that one day he wouldn't stop himself from beating me and it would all just end; I would never have to suffer his abuse again.

But I wanted to live. I had a life that Arsenio had helped me build. I was going to be a mother. I couldn't disappear from all of that. I had to live.

"Eloise," someone called out and finally pulled me out of my trance. It was Matt.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He demanded. The last time I saw him, he was carefree and reminded me somewhat of a reckless kid, but now his personality has changed drastically. He had a murderous look on his face and maintained an authoritative stance.

I nodded and took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm my racing heart. Almost being shot puts your body through the motions of fear, anxiety, and adrenaline all in a matter of seconds.

"I'm okay," I replied. He stared at me a moment longer before nodding and lowering his gaze.

"And the baby?"

"He's okay," I reassured. I had protected my stomach as best I could when Jeremy had attacked me.

"Did you find Arsenio or Ermanno yet?" I asked.

"Not yet. Georgio and a few others are downstairs investigating," he said. I think he could see my hopeful expression disintegrate because he gave me a small smile. "We will find him, Eloise. Besides, Arsenio won't go down without a fight. He's a hell of a beast. You have nothing to worry about."

I gave him a small smile back. His words helped soothe my worries a little, but I was still a wreck. I needed to see him, alive, vital, and strong before my worry would cease.

"We are taking you out to the truck," Dante said when he walked over to Matt and me after scoping out the room.

"What? No, I want to help find Arsenio," I retorted.

"I know you want to, but you are pregnant. You have a child to protect now. You don't have experience with this. We do, Eloise. We can't worry about you being hurt due to inexperience while we are in the middle of gunfire," he explained.

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