Chapter 6

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Damian’s pov
We arrived and it seemed to be a bloody scene. The ambulance was already in place calling and shouting directions to their other teammates on what to do. Someone called the person's family I guess. I walked closer only to see a woman not older than forty five laying on the ground bleeding from her chest. I took her hand to check her pulse but I felt nothing. She’s dead. I let her hand rest on her bloody chest. The ambulance nurses picked her up and placed her body on an ambulance bed and rolled her in. That psychopathic maniac stroke again. I felt so mad, he have killed 10 people now and we couldn’t prevent it in any way. I looked in disgust at the pool of red thick blood that started to blend with the dirt on the ground as the moon came out from behind the clouds like it finally dared to look at the scene.
- He ran away! Said Nightwing looking at my father. It’s obvious he’s gone jeez. I ran a hand through my hair in annoyance.
- Great! I sapt. Red Robin crouched down next to the pool of blood to try to find clues.
- He’s gone, again! I said louder. I am so pissed. My chest heaved up and down in anger. I tried to put together things but I couldn’t find any reason for why someone would kill so many random people. I sure hope that psychopat isn’t killing for fun.
- Bat look, I found something. Red Robin said holding up a bloody army green butterfly knife. Father took the knife and laid it into a plastic bag and put it into one of his black belt pockets.
- Tim, Jason you tow will patrol from above if you find something suspicious call, you both better make it home! He ordered as always. Both of them nodded and started to talk with each other. They took their grappling hooks and pointed them at the roof as it pulled them up and of the ground and with that they were off. I turned to look at Batman. Waiting for his orders.
- We are going to patrol from the shadows on the ground. I groaned as I saw Nightwing from the corner of my eye lightly facepalm himself.
- Lame! I said annoyed as I rolled my eyes. He place his hand over his face and then pinched the bridge of his nose. Then looked at me.
- I can go on my own! I told him not waiting for him to say what he wanted to say.
- No Robin you are going to follow the orders. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not. And would you please just quit with that damn rebellious act. Tonight we are a team so stop complaining, you are not twelve anymore. Batman spat back, it stung right through my chest into my heart. I just looked at the ground and walked in front of him. Not bothering to say something back.
Bella’s pov
I’ve been fighting for 2 hours without any rest because I needed to work on my stamina. I haven’t trained in a while so this is pretty much necessary. I am so tired but I kept pushing my body. I keep telling myself that I need to improve.  I saw a ninja hologram running towards me with his katana sword. I took my katana sword and hit him in his abdomen and then I kicked the one behind me as I cut of it’s head, they both disintegrated into nothing. I stopped the simulator and then I laid flat on the ground to breath. I felt like I was breathing through a straw, it almost felt painful. I felt my chest rising up and down and then I went to my room after I ate and said goodnight to Alfred.

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