Chapter 8

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Bella’s pov
 I woke up as I payed a look at the clock, 11 in the morning. I sat up in my bed as I rubbed my eyes not really remembering that I fell asleep. I was reading, whait where is the book?! I looked under the blanket but it wasn’t there, I then saw it on the night table. But how did it get there, I felt so dizzy thinking about that. No matter how hard I pressed my eyes shut trying to think I just couldn’t remember. I decided to let that go and I got up and went to the bathroom to fix me up. I combed my thick hair, today is one of those rare good hair days. I smiled at the reflection of my face in the mirror and I went to my closet and started to figure out what to wear. I reached for a pair of  black ripped up jeans and a white soft V- neck t-shirt and my white sneakers. I went out to the kitchen and I saw Alfred with his hand on a frying pan.
- Good morning Miss Bella. He said politely as he made eggs and bacon I think.
- Morning Alfred. I said as he laid a plate in front of me.
- I prepared some breakfast if you would like to eat. He said as he laid down the plate with food. Bacon stapled on eggs with some orange juice.
- Yes thanks. I told him as I started to eat. After I was done I laid my plate in the dishwasher and made my way to the door. I had big plans for today. I took my black jacket and placed my hand on the door knob. 
- Where are you going? I turned my head around only to meet Damian’s green eyes. My internal organs made a flipp and the butterflies threatened to escape my throat.
- Out. Sightseeing and maybe dropping in at my favorite ice cream place. I struggled to get the words out. He was wearing a red hoodie with a black zipper that looked like it was made perfectly for his body and black jeans that also fitted his form perfectly.
- Don’t tell me that you planned to walk. He brattly said as he gently facepalmed himself. I sighed, I didn’t really thought of that well I did, I planned on taking his motorcycle but a long walk wouldn’t have bothered me either. He said nothing more as I saw him walking past me out the door. But then he turned around.
- What are you waiting for, an invitation?! He spoke as he jumped on his motorcycle.
- Oo… I felt pretty lost but I jumped on behind him as I wrapped my hands around his waist I could feel his muscles tensing at my touch. My heart stopped but I was soon woken up by the sudden movement and the wind blowing through my brown hair tangling it’s invisible fingers through my locks, I smiled a little leaning my head on his back. I thought about which icecream flavor I would buy first. I think I’m taking a vanilla ice cream with chocolate topping and sprinkles. After ten minutes the skyscrapers started to show up. I felt so small in comparison with those gigant buildings. The vehicle stopped in a parking lot. After Damian had cut the engine I let go of him and we made our way down the big road in a comfortable silence. People were walking everywhere, some of them were jogging or bicycling. It was a beautiful day, no clouds and the trees were green and I could even spot some flowers in different colors. The birds were singing and the sweet scent of donuts and cotton candy filled my lungs. But this can’t last forever, it never does. Something bad always happens when people are too happy or if you want to be positive you could also think that after something bad comes something good but I have a hard time thinking like that. I kicked a small stone one the ground before I shifted my gaze at Damian.
- So, why did you come with me, I could've walked you know. I told him turning away from him not making eye contact. 
- That’s a nice way to say thank you. He spat but I could tell he was holding something back. Over the years I have developed some social skills including reading people. I saw the ice cream place and my eyes widened and filled with joy. I’ve really missed this place.  I grabbed his arm and gave him a warm smile as we walked to the ice cream stand. We both ordered two ice creams. He ordered one with chocolate and sprinkles and I ordered a vanilla ice cream with chocolate topping. We walked away from the stand towards a big park with ice creams in our hands. In the park there were special arrangements of flowers in different colors and trees. The sun burned my eyes so I put up my hand as a shield.
- I came with you to say that father wants us to patrol tonight. He said as he ate his ice cream.
- Which district? I asked as we kept walking and I glanced at him.
- East End. He spoke annoyed. I took one more bite. Of course it’s East End which other district would it be.
- How has it been those past 2 years? I asked him since I was uncomfortable with this silence. I could see that his jaw clenched and his muscles tensed for a second but it quickly changed back to normal making me wonder if I just imagined it.
- I’ve been busy helping father with all this psychopaths, and you? He asked without even paying me a look. 
- Well, I’ve been busy with school, homeworks, tests and stuff.  You are pretty lucky to skip school a.k.a prison. I told him as I kicked a small stone on the ground. We both finished our ice creams and I saw him looking behind us and around us. Maybe something was wrong my heart was beating hard in my chest and I mentally prepared myself for a battle.
- You know, it have been 10 murders by one serial killer only this month. He said looking at the ground as he placed his hands in his pockets.
- Awful. I whispered loud enough for him to hear while I tried to process this information.
- We haven’t caught him yet. He doesn’t leave any witnesses behind so it’s been very hard to track him down. Now he looked at me. And even if he would have done that, they wouldn't talk. Probably scared to be next. He said as he went through an alley full with pink cherry flowers in the trees. The warm briese brushed my face but I couldn’t feel the warmth.
- Is that why we patrol the East End even more now? The answer was pretty obvious but the letters just dropped out of my mouth without even thinking.
- What do you think. He snapped. I took out my phone from my black purse and glanced at the time. 15.46. No messages from mom or dad, not even from my bff’s, I could feel the ache growing in my chest. But I had to brush those feelings aside.
- It’s pretty late 15.46. I said as I put down my phone.
- We should head home. You may need some more practice. He just said. I wonder if he ever haves fun or if he shows more emotions than sarcasm and annoyance but still he’s right. I’m so curious why he is the way he is.
- Ok. I quietly answered as we started to walk out of the park and back to the streets between the high shiny buildings. I wish I could understand him and what he has been through but he never lets me talk to him about it, he either walks away or ignores me. He is hard to read, he is very good at masking his true feelings. So I’ve stopped trying, some day he will open up and not because I want him to but because he will want to. I looked around me at all the people and I saw a little boy playing with a black and blue football ball. He kicked it and it came towards Damian’s feet. The kid was pleading with his eyes to get the ball back. I pushed Damian on the side with my elbow as a “give it to him” sign. He looked at the ball as he kicked it up only to meet his head, then balanced it and he let it roll on his back and then he kicked it to the boy. The little guy looked amazed I have to admit that It was pretty impressive. A smile tugged at my lips. Damian had already started to walk again by the time I turned my face towards him. 
- How can you do that and how can you be so good? I asked him curious, sometimes it feels like I don’t even know him. He can be a thousand different persons in one.
- I am just good at everything I do, Bella. He said turning around towards me smiling. Just who is he.

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