Chapter 7

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Damian’s pov
We found nothing but the butterfly knife and nothing was out of the ordinary during the patrol. So we went home to the batcave. Today’s mission sucked, nothing interesting happened and we are even further away from finding out who the man behind all of this is. I saw Dick, Tim and Jayson gathering in front of the computer. I saw Pennyworth standing at the side of the big computer looking at the other guys.
- She’s been acting like this for 2  hours without any rest. He said while we all were looking at her fighting. She made a lot of jumps and I have to admit that she is not so bad...for someone who hasn’t trained in ages.
- Wow! I saw Jayson clearly amazed so I payed a look at the screen and saw that it was the last five minutes of the video the surveillance camera caught. She was surrounded by 7 hologram ninjas.
- She’s trapped! I heard Tim say. But she looked like she knew what she was doing. I saw that she connected the two katana swords above her head and she began to spin them. She then separated the swords again and the holograms disappeared. I smiled.
- Did you see that, she took all seven by herself in one spin! Dick said surprised as he pointed on the screen.
- That was pretty cool. Said Jayson. They all looked back at me expecting me to say something about how good she was. My smile quickly faded.                                
- I could’ve done it faster! I snapped as I turned my back and went to change into my normal outfit. I ran a tired hand over my face as I removed the green domino masc. I entered my room and put on me my black turtleneck sweatshirt with sleeves down to my elbows and then my grey almost black pants. I took a glance at the clock and saw it was really late. I decided to check on Bella so I went to my window and saw that her window was open and the lights were on. I took my grappling hook and fired it at the roof. I jumped and I tried to go as close to her window as possible. My heart skipped a few beats, I began doubting my idea and begun thinking about going back but my curiosity got the better of me. I glanced to see if she was up and it seemed that she was asleep I think, so I allowed myself in. Feeling remorseful for intruding like this. She was in her pj with her brown hair surrounding her on the pillow. My eyes traveled down to her chest where she had an open book but I couldn’t read the title. Her hand looked like it was made of the finest porcelain and would break if I touched it to hard, she looks so peaceful like this. I decided to lift her hand that was lying on top of the book, I then grabbed it and then took her other arm that almost touched the ground. I laid it back down on her chest as I pulled the covers over her small frame. My heart is a monster threatening to rip up my ribs and run out of my chest, I’ve never felt such a feeling, so, sooo...alive. I can’t really put my finger on this feeling  but it’s not unpleasant. I ran a hand through my hair as I looked at the blue hard cover of the book and read the black letters in my mind, “ COLD LOVE”. I sighed then placed it on her night table. Her rose colored lips reminded me of mom, but she’s dead. Typical Bella, falls asleep forgetting about the light, I smiled a little for myself. I looked at her peaceful face and removed a stray piece of hair from her face before I got up and made my way to the door. I looked at her one more time before I silently opened it and went out. 
- What did you do in there? I jumped a little but my face quickly changed to an annoyed expression. Hell, did this idiot really need to ask and be here at the wrong time.
- None of you business, Tim. I harshly snapped as I walked past him and straight to my room I could feel his eyes penetrating my neck. I took of my pants and my shirt and placed them neatly on one of my chairs in the farther right corner in my room, I stretched my whole body and then went to bed. The white pillows were so comfortable and I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep. 

Damian Wayne x Reader Cold Love (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now