Chapter 26

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Next day

Today was a day like any other except it wasn't for me. Bruce went to work, Damian and Jayson were pissing eachother off as usual, Tim was studying and I was training inte the backyard on the things Damian showed me. I jumped in the air putting as much force I could in my feet as Damian told me, and I did a backflip an aerial and other things. Then I pulled out my katana sword from the back of my suit and trained on fencing. After a while I took a pause and sat on the white tiled porch in the backyard. I stretched out my arms and legs.

- Why training so hard. It was Jayson. I watched him taking a seat next to me as we both stared at the beautiful green and oddly shaped garden. Well it was odd for me because some of the bushes were groomed to look like animals. Well I guess rich people need to stand out somehow.

- To mock you. I'm way better than you you know and less lazy. A smirk spreading on my face even when I knew that wasn't the case except for the lazy part.

- Ha you wish. He said as he reached for something from his jean pocket. He pulled out a small rectangular box and a lighter.

- If you are going to smoke your cancer sticks you'd better walk over there. I told him while I pointed my index finger somewhere in the distance.

- I do whatever the fuck I want. He said cockly.

- Well you could do " whatever the fuck you want" somewhere else. I told him with a hint of irritation in my voice. I hate the smell of smoke. He did of course not listen and lit his cigarette.

- It smells like cancer I'm telling Tim, you know he hates your little habit. His eyes went big for a brief second.

- Okay you win. He said while inhaling the toxic ingredients then he blew the smoke out in my face.

- I'll smoke somewhere else. He said laughing as I tried to wave away the white toxicness that clouded my vision. A few choughs escaped my lips. Bastard. I entered the Manor again and was greeted by Tim.

- Hi how are you feeling? He asked eyeing me up and down.

- At the moment sweaty... I was training in the garden. I said making a thumbs up motion and pointed it behind me at the garden.

- What did you and Damian do last night? He asked as we walked to the kitchen since I was thirsty. I reached my hand for a glass.

- Nothing much why? I poured some water from a water dispenser.

- I mean you two were alone, so I thought that maybe... I don't know. In that moment I choked on the water and started to cough violently.

- God no Timothy, what the hell do you think of me. I almost yelled when I could breathe again. I put down the glass in the sink and wiped my mouth from the water with the back of my hand.

- Ok ok, you don't need to get so worked up about it. He said as he put his hands in the air in surrender. I let out a sigh and put one of my hands on my temple.

- You know what, I'll just go and take a shower. I walked off to my room and closed the door behind me. I took off my suit and turned the water on. Hot drops of water hit my sweaty skin. I closed my eyes and thought about Damian's hug last night and his warm skin against mine. I wonder how it would feel to kiss his cherry red lips. After I was done in the shower I dried my body with a towel and put it around me. I opened my wardrobe and was on my way to pick up some clothes when I heard a knock on the door. I mentally groaned and debated if I should go open it or not. What if it was Jayson again, I had quite enough of him today. I went to the door and opened it only to reveal BRUCE!!

- Oh I see this is a quite inappropriate time to speak. He said clearing his throat and looking the other way. I blushed like crazy. How embarrassing.

- Search me up when you are done. Was the last thing he said before walking away. After I closed the door I leaned my back on it and shrunk down to the floor pulling my knees closer to my chest as I borrowed my head in between my knees, how embarrassing. I pulled myself to my feet again and changed into a pair of jeans and a white t- shirt. I gathered myself and went to his office where I guess he is. I walked down the long corridor past the kitchen where I heard Damian talking to Dick. I guess he just came home from Kory's place. I know that Damian likes Grayson even though he would never admit it. He is the only one he can get along with without yelling and throwing punches. He occasionally gets along with Tim too.

Eventually I reached his office and knocked on the door. It opened revealing Bruce in the doorway.

- Come on in. He said gesturing me towards two red armchairs. I sat down and watched him do the same. He wore a black tuxedo and my guess is that he came from work. His working space was filled with documents and papers and a brown feather pen laid over a blank paper. The view from the window was of the mini lake in the backyard.

- I am truly sorry. He began as my eyes shifted to his. A pained sigh escaping his lips.

- I planned on telling you but somewhere deep inside I always thought your adoptive parents would, that they already had. Another pause. I could hear my heart throbbing in my chest.

- That's why I never brought up the subject, I didn't know how you would react. I didn't knew if they told you or not. I still didn't say anything, my mouth was glued together and the letters felt to heavy to let out. I stared at my feet then out at the peaceful scenery.

- It got even more complicated when we found out about your biological father. He said letting out yet another sigh.

- Please, say something. He was begging me at this point. But what was really there to say. The past cannot be changed nor forgotten. I stood up and started to pace the room back and forth.

- For seventeen years. I paused. Seventeen goddamn years I've been lied to. I swallowed hard to stop the feeling of wanting to cry but the burning feeling behind my eyes didn't go away. I brushed through my hair with my hand.

- Don't get me wrong. I said looking in his blue orbs. I'm definitely not complaining about it. I kept pacing around. They took very good care of me and I love them wholeheartedly. But not telling me was a terrible mistake. I told Bruce while he sat there still in the armchair looking at how I fell apart yet again. I really tried not to lose it.

- I am really sorry Bella. He said as he got up and embraced me. But my mind felt so distant like it was somewhere entirely else. He then let go of me and placed both hands on both of my shoulders.

- Please do not try to find him on your own. I know you want it. It's too dangerous and I know that you know that. He said while his deep blue eyes met mine. I swallowed hard.

- Yes I know. I told him. I told him I knew it was dangerous but not that I wouldn't try to go after him. He deserved what was coming. I really do want that vengeance.

- Good. He said while attempting a smile. I smiled back. I headed for the door but Bruce stopped me before I could close the door behind me.

- Oh I forgot, Damian told me he wants to talk to you. He said with a pleased smile. I nodded and smiled then closed the brown carved door behind me. I went to the kitchen where I saw him last and there he was sketching again but as soon as he sensed me behind him he turned his drawing upside down and got up from the white sofa. Looking a little startled or maybe nervous.

- Hi! He said fidgeting with the hem of his white designer button up shirt.

- What were you drawing? I asked trying to reach for the piece of paper that was lying on the sofa but he gently grabbed my hand.

- Nothing important really. He said trying to convince me.

- If it wasn't important then why don't you let me see it? I asked now curious.

- Well never mind, Bruce said you wanted to talk to me. I said trying to change the subject since I knew he wouldn't let me see his drawing anyway. He was still holding my hand and when I looked down at it he instantly let go of it. He blushed a little and looked the other way. My heart was beating very fast at the moment.

- Yeah you want to go out for a bubble tea? He said scratching the back of his neck.

- Sure let me grab my purse.

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