Safe house? Safe MANSION!!!

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— "You know the thing I like about you bub??" "Mm?" You hummed in question, letting his bare phalanges settle through your tangled nest of (h/c), combing through soothingly. You were in his lap, being ursuped into into it, his large arms a surprisingly soft prison that you leaned into. The silk of his suit brushed against your cheek, exotic tobacco smell radiating from the ebony material in rich aroma.

You couldn't get enough. It was comforting, like his presence was purely based on that smell. "The thing I like about you is that you ain't a moocher. You work hard for what you want, you're tough as all hell and yer kind, so damn kind to sinners like me... Too damn kind. You're the whole damn package sweets, oh, and that determination and defiance of yours is a real turn-on too... It does things to me, I swear doll!" He winked, you flushing with your trade-mark grin, punching him softly on the shoulder.

You had no idea where in the world you were either. It was dark... but luminescent all the same. Hues of sapphire, teal, oceanic blue were all blurred together from the darkness, orbiting electric fireflies surrounded you like the glowing, unfurled flowers that carpeted the two of you. It was peaceful, there in the dark. Blissful, you didn't want to move, the real world had long since blurred away- your arguments- his wrong-doings, none of that existed here. His gaze settled on you lovingly, his smile light, genuine and seemingly at peace much alike how you were.

You never thought him capable. You found yourself thinking that a lot, but he seemed to always be showcasing different dimensions of himself that lay underneath the mafioso exterior, always seeming to challenge your perspective on him. That immediate caring back in the restaurant- it was so strange coming from him. You also found him leaning down towards you, sockets crazily half-lidded. But that was not your current concern; your current concern, much to your astonishment, was rather closing the distance between you.

You leaned into his delicate touch, letting him lay you down against the ebony grass, his weight not even close to crushing as he looked over you.

"You're just beautiful (y/n).."

...Then you were ensnared


Tossing and turning, you struggled against your strangling captor, suffocating. Your limbs spread apart, eyes flashing open to....- Sheets. Your eternal enemy. Sighing in relief, you rolled over to see Sans, shirt half-shed, open, exposing what looked like strong bones, (if you're into that sort of thing XD) lazing in a crimson velveted arm-chair with the most vulgar grin imaginable attached to his skull: "Quite the dream you were havin' toots!" You frowned at him. It was just a dream. And like all dreams- was shattered abruptly.


Now, as to how exactly you got yourself into his bed, was by no sexual means: You could remember him throwing his cigar-scented suit coat over you before smoke hit your nostrils and you were back- where exactly??

"You're staying with me now doll, you won't be goin' back to work for Grillby anytime soon." He stated gruffly, a tone that didn't allow protests. "Ok." You answered, it being the only thing that escaped you as re-runs of the encounter began playing on 5 cent reels through your mind. He had saved you, you would give him that. Didn't mean you'd be making goo-goo eyes anytime soon. You'd just agree with what he said without complaint- for now. Not taking account of how lavish the mirror you caught yourself in was, you instead took in the red patches where the tape left it's mark as Sans continued:

"You're not to leave my side now, got it? It's... 'my fault' that yer now the target of a low life gang cuss've yer ties with me, that, I take responsibility for, so you'll go where I go. Yer gonna stay under this roof and of course you'll be sharin' my bed as well so I can keep a close eye on ya." He added with a leer. You sighed, you didn't want to piss him off, not when he was being gracious for the time being... you would complain about sleeping arrangements later. "I'll let the boss know that'cher stayin'... Muffet'll be takin' care of ya for now..." He muttered, sifting away through smoke, gone again.

Can I take you to Dinner? Mafi-fell!Sans x Reader.  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now