•It's You•

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I don't have everything
as a matter of fact I don't have anything
except a dream of a better day
and you 2 help me find my way
Being a man I am 2 make mistakes
but 2 keep u I would do all it takes
and if it meant my love was really true
I'd gladly die and watch over u
I wish I knew how much I cared
u'd see my love is true by the life we'd share
Even if u changed your mind and did our love was thru
I'd want 2 die continuously cry and still I'd love you- Tupac

*Killua's POV*

Soulmates, just the topic makes my stomach twist and my head fall. Due to the fact that I don't really believe in soulmates or that I have one.

There are people that make their own way in finding soulmates. I saw one that said in the past we were once conjoined but we split apart to find our other half. I also read about some that has to do with eye color. Some even hair.

It's a lot of ways people made up to find soulmates. But by song? That's the weirdest. And the one we live with.

It's difficult to find a soulmate. Due to the fact that there is billions of songs and someone could possibly have the same song and be with the wrong person.

But I guess since that never happened, it must not be true.

"Killua! You have a table" Blair says. Her long black hair and purple highlights making her hazel eyes pop with the sound of the music blasting through the loud speakers.

I make my way over to the table and give my best fakest smile. "How may I help you today?" The table of three bring their attention to me.

One licks his lips hungrily and I shiver in my shoes. I keep the forced smile though not to cause any problems.

"I'll take a water at the moment" the man next to the man who licked his lips said with a husky tone.

"I'll have the same" the red head says with a smile.

"I'll have you" the fuck? He probably said it because of this stupid tight uniform.

I fucking hate working at strip clubs.


It was probably a year ago I started working here at the club.  It pays fast. Even though I get followed home some nights or get my ass grabbed by some drunk idiot.

Two guys were talking about how the club was hiring and I just got fired from my job due to "poor attitude" or whatever the fuck.

I called the manger and asked about the job. I got called in for an interview later on that day.

When I arrived business was slow. Probably because it was still day time.

He looked at me and told me to turn around. I turned and I felt eyes all over my back and ass.

"Damn you got ass. You here to be a stripper?" I felt offended.

I told him no. He asked if I wanted to be a waiter. I nodded my head.

He asked me when I could start, I said whenever I'd be able to.

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