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From first glance I know exactly what would be
U and I have perfect hearts destined one day 2 be
The circumstances don't even matter because my heart never lies
And if u don't admit 2 this it is u who will be surprised

It's funny when I first woke up I didn't think that I'd be in a relationship.

I didn't expect it to happen honestly, not so soon. But I don't regret it either.

It was funny seeing the look on Blair's face when she found out about me and Gon this morning.

She says that it's crazy that I told Gon about Kouta. But he deserves to know being my 'soulmate' and all.

"Killua! You have another table!" 'I cannot wait until I quit working in this dump.'

I sigh deeply, grabbing my notepad, and walk over to the table full of men.

"We'd all like The Old Fashioned," the man says with a smug grin on his face and I knew it was going to be one of those nights again.

The nights I dread most.

I hurry and walk to the bar. Passing women that are leading men to the back room for a private dance.

I hand Blair the note with their order on it. Watching as she made their drinks.

"You okay?" She asks not even looking up as she measures the amounts of each ingredient in of the men's drinks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm ready to go though" she nods in agreement while she added a twist of citrus rind.

Placing the cups on the tray and sliding it in front of me.

"Well didn't your boyfriend say he was gonna see you tonight?" Blair smirks, sipping the drink she made herself.

"Yeah, so what?" She rolls her hazel eyes at me before continuing, "that means you have something to look into when you get off!"

"Yeah yeah"

I take the tray with the drinks on it and walk over to the table.

"Here you all go, is there anything else I can bring you?" I give the table my best fake smile as usual when I'm working.

"I'd like for you to bring me your number" as said before, tonight is going to be one of those nights that anyone who works in this hellhole dreads most.

"I'd rather not, give out my number to strangers or someone twice my age" I walk away from the table, ignoring being called by the old fool.

"Killua!"Jackson's voice booms over the music. I stop in my tracks, sighing, then turning around to face the jerk.

"Yes, Jackson?" Asking while crossing my arms.

"That little stunt you pulled earlier, I want to talk to you about that in my office" I try not to let my facial expression take over my whole face.
I groan loudly. Following him into his overly large office.

His wife sitting on the desk giggling at something on her phone.

I sit down in one of the chairs in front of his desk.

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