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i exist in the depths of solitude
pondering my true goal
trying 2 find peace of mind
and still preserve my soul
constantly yearning 2 be accepted
and from all receive respect
never comprising but sometimes risky
and that is my only regret

a young heart with an old soul
how can there be peace
how can i be in the depths of solitude
when there r 2 inside of me
this duo within me causes
the perfect oppurtunity
2 learn and live twice as fast
as those who accept simplicity

Again! Trigger warning, mentions of kidnapping, abuse, non-consensual sexual scenes (did I say that right?), and deceptions of violence! With that, ON WITH THE SHITSHOW! enjoy~

"You do know you can't escape me Killua" he said, lifting the younger's chin with his index finger and thumb.

"I was just... just-"

"Just what? Trying to leave me while I slept?" His voice grew deeper as he continued speaking.

"N-no of course not, why would I leave you?" Kouta smirked, though this smirk wasn't like the one Killua remembered.

It was different, full of hatred, and lust.

"You better not be trying to leave me, you know what'll happen if you leave me. You know I need you Kil" guilt tripping. Killua knows this trick.

It was done plenty of times. And like a trick, he fell for it every single time.

But not this time. He learned his lesson through all the bruises and cuts he's gained.

All the times he wanted to run away, the times he felt useless, the times he just wanted to fall off the face of the fucking Earth.

Like the crazy asshole Kouta is, he yanked Killua up the stairs by his wrist.

Red marks slowly formed as Killua let out a quiet squeak in pain.

He wanted to pull away and run, but saw no point. For reasons being, one: he wasn't going to get to the door quick enough. Two: the grip on his wrist was very tight and very difficult to get out of.

Kouta pushed him on the large bed. Tearing the jacket off like paper, he began to laugh.

Was he laughing at Killua? If he was then it's probably because of how pathetic he looks.

Or maybe it's because his eyes held the same fear it did all those years ago.

He began to trace his fingers down the younger's face. Killua flinched hard.

Not expecting the current contact and not wanting it either.

"Don't be like that Doll, your mine again. You'll be mine forever" He smiled.

His mind telling him to run but his body wouldn't listen. He was motionless.

Kouta smirked, climbing on top of the younger. Trapping him with his arms.

His eyes held victory.


Gon was lost in the sea of bodies. He couldn't find anyone he went into The Luxe with and he was staring to get worried.

He left to go to the restroom for five minutes. Five whole minutes!

Okay not five minutes, he couldn't find the restroom at first either but still! Besides the point.

He couldn't find Killua, couldn't Blair, and couldn't find Kurapika.

He wanted to yell out their names but his voice definitely wouldn't be louder than the music.

So he did what he could, he went back to the bar and kept his eyes on the dance floor. If he saw silver hair then he found them.

But he didn't.

"Gon!" Blair ran up to him looking confused and disappointed.

"Hey, where's Killua and Kurapika?"

"Kurapika is outside, its getting late we're leaving" she grabs his arm and starts to pull him to the exit.

"But where's Killua?"

"He should be outside by now"

"And if he's not?" Gon was starting to get upset.

"Then I'll call him"

"I'm not leaving until I find him. He could be hurt"

"Killua's strong. I doubt someone would hurt him"

"I'm staying here"

"Fine. Tell him to call me later" Blair walked off. Gon couldn't care less about her sudden attitude.

Something must've happened.

But he has more important things to do.

um wow, the last update was in 2020... goodness fucking gracious.

I honestly have no idea where this story is going nor do I know how we got here. I really wanted to discontinue this story (and all my stories) but I promised myself I wouldn't.

There will be no update schedule.

Also, the titles were made in one day all at once. This chapter was supposed to be totally different. Blame the birthday chapter.

Hope this chapter was enjoyable.

chapter started: 03/15/2022
chapter published: 11/8/2022
wc: 780

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