•Put Your Head On My Shoulder•(P.1)

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I know not what I search 4
But I know I have yet 2 find it,
Because it is invisible 2 the eye
My heart must search 4 it blinded.

And if by chance I find it,
Will I know my mission is achieved?
Can one come 2 conclusions,
Before the question is conceived?

Just as no one knows
what lies beyond the shore,
I will never find the answer 2
what it is that I search 4

The car ride home was silent and awkward. Many conversations were started but ended with a dry response.

He sighs loudly and very annoyingly. I ignored the first one he did. Then he did it again and again.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

He chuckles lightly.

"Well we've been driving around and you haven't told me where to stop at" oh yeah.

"The apartments by the club" he nods and starts around drive in the direction.

I lean into the seat and look over at him.

I didn't mean to hurt you Gon. It's just I can't hurt you. Not in a relationship.

"I'm Sorry Gon"

"For what?" He pulls into the parking lot and turns his body so it's facing me. 

"Rejecting you, not trying, yelling, everything I did to make you feel upset" he smiles soothingly at me. Making my cheeks burn with a light pink.

"Would you like to come in? It's not much but it's better than nothing" he nods his head as we both climb out the vehicle.

I lead the way to my crappy apartment, as I pull out my house key and unlock the door, I open it for the both of us as he clearly has no problem just stepping in peoples houses and plopping on their couch.

"Help yourself" I roll my eyes at him. I watch him as he looks around the apartment.

"I told you it's not much of anything so don't expect to be amazed or anything"

"I remember what you told me, just thinking though. If you work at a club or strip club—if you will— shouldn't you make more money?" That's a little personal but ok.

"I'm supposed to make $10 and some change an hour, but since "I don't do my job correctly" I get paid less" I make quotations with my fingers and mock my bosses voice.

"Oh, I could find you a better job-"

"No need, I'm about to quit soon. I've saved up enough"

"What are you gonna do about rent?"

"Parents house" he nods understandingly.

Should I just go on a date with him? I mean it could be fun and I'm off today so.

"Fine, I'll go on a date with you. Only on one condition it cannot be boring because I do not want my time wasted when I can be here watching Netflix and drowning in my own self-pity"

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