•I'll Keep You Safe•

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against an attacker I will boldly take my stand
because my heart will show fear 4 no man
but 4 a broken heart I run with fright
scared 2 be blind in a vulnerable night
I believe this fear is in every man
some will acknowledge it others will fail 2 understand
there is no fear in a shallow heart
because shallow hearts don't fall apart
but feeling hearts that truly care
are fragile 2 the flow of air
and if I am 2 be true then I must give
my fragile heart
I may receive great joy or u may return it
ripped apart-Tupac

"Big brother?" I slowly come into conscious as I pull the cover over my body more.

"Shush, I'm sleeping" I turn over and hit the hard ground. Falling with a 'bitch!' And other colorful language that I shall not expose myself for saying.

"That's what you get for shushing me" Alluka says standing over me.

"What time is it?"

"12 o'clock" oh ok not bad. Wait what!

"I gotta go! My shift starts soon and I do not have a car" I grab my clothes from yesterday and put them on. I grab m- Gon's hoodie to put on and run out the room.

"Later kids!" I shout as I ran out the door.

I run down to the main road just enough time to catch a cab. I sigh once I get into the cab.

"Where to?" I told him the address of my apartment and asked in the nicest way as possible to hurry the hell up.

He arrived to my home in about 15 minutes at the most. I paid him and ran inside.

The clock was twenty after twelve which meant I had an hour to get ready for work. Great that's just fucking peachy.

I grab my clothes to get ready my morning routine even though it's after twelve.


I got out the shower like... ten minutes later, I brush my teeth, wash my face, and change into some regular clothes

Unlike like one of those skimpy outfits the women wear at the club.

"Hell, here I come" I grab my jacket this time, I put my uniform into a duffel bag, and walk out the door. I'm glad the walk to work is only ten minutes.

Once I walk in business is still slow. As usual in the day time.

"Killua! Come here!" Blair practically yells across the building.

I walk over there and sit down at the bar.

"Get me some whiskey" she pours the drink in my cup and looks at me with concerned eyes.

"What's wrong babe?" Oh yeah she calls me babe, no we are not dating definitely not.

Yeah she's pretty but she has so many boyfriends and girlfriends it is not funny. But she's cool, hell the only reason why  this place is bearable.

"Nothin' just tired"

"How was the party" ahh the party. I can tell her so much about the party. But I'm not I'll just give her the short story. Leaving out Gon, the dancing, the dancing after the music stopped.

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