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"Grace can be defined as the love and mercy given to us by God because God wants us to have it, not because of anything we have done to earn it."
~Website From Google

"Big Brother!! What happened at your date?" She squeezes my wrist as I walk into the kitchen.

"No, where the parents at?"

"Out. So what happened?" She won't give up.

"Nothing happened, we went out and he dropped me off at home" I sit on the counter and watch her walk back and forth.

"No something happened. Tell me"

"What makes you think that?" I rub the back of my neck as she walks up to me.

"You guys had sex" What the hell?!

"Woah, I can't believe you think I'll let him fuck me on the first date. I'm disappointed in you sis" she continues to pace around the room as it helps her think.

"You kissed!" I look away from her piercing blue eyes as she smiles widely at the guess.

Yeah, we did kiss.

After he asked if I wanted to swim I told him that I didn't have anything to swim in.

Like he was already prepared for that answer he smiles and walks to the car. As if he could tell I wouldn't wear—or bring— anything to swim in.

He pulls out dark blue swim trunks and tosses them to me.

I raised an eyebrow at him. 'Why would he have these?' I think to myself.

"Are you gonna change?" Yeah with you watching because I want you to see me strip down to no clothes.

"No idiot. Not with you watching" he mumbled an 'ok' and turned around as I changed into the shorts that was bought for me.

I walk up to the shore as the waves crash down in front of me. I walk forward.

The cold saltwater, brushing against my feet as I step forward. The water getting higher up on me with the more steps I take.

Gon comes in after me. Startling me as he takes my hand. I look at him to receive a sheepish smile.

"Your so weird Gon" this time the grin is wide. Making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

Why do I get so nervous around him?

Is it the way he looks at me? The answer is still left unanswered like the rest of my self-thought questions.

"Killua you alright?" I nod slowly.

I'm fine. Just confused.

"Are you sure?" So worried about other's wellbeing I wonder if he ever forgets to worry about himself.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Just perfect" I say cupping my hands together, letting the water go in my hands before throwing it up at Gon.

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