•All I Ever Need•

332 19 95

They could never understand
what u set out 2 do
instead they chose 2
ridicule u

when u got weak
they loved the sight
of your dimming
and flickering starlight

How could they understand what was so intricate

2 be loved by so many, so intimate
they wanted 2 c your lifeless corpse
this way u could not alter the course
of ignorance that they have set
2 make my people forget

*Killua's POV

I turn over, the sun shining through the open window.

If you ask me it's to damn early in the morning. Plus I have work today.

This is gonna be great.

But now that I think about it, work shouldn't be that bad I mean like it's usually ok when I come back from the two days I have off.

"Good morning Killua" Gon says startling me and making me fall out of my bed with a thud and a groan.

I look up at him. His head hanging off the bed and eyes wide.

"Sheesh, falling for me already?"

"Fuck you Gon, fuck you and your corny as jokes"

"Awll that's not nice to say to your future boyfriend" he pouts.

"Well it's not nice to—fuck did you just say? It's too early to be dealing with your bullshit" he laughs loudly.

"Your no fun at all"

"Well you try falling out of your bed"

"Rather not"

He moves over, holds a hand out, and helps me back onto my bed.

With us both sitting up against the backboard he turns over to me. He looks at me, damnit. He looks at me with this stupid smile.

I grab my pillow and with some of my strength I smack him off the bed.

"Owww!" I crawl to the side of the bed that he fell off of and mock his words:
"Falling for me already?" Now it's my turn to laugh at the dork.

"That was mean" he says sticking his tongue out at me.

"Thanks—" I cant even finish my sentence before I'm getting pulled onto the floor by him.

"You annoy me"

"Don't you have work today?"

"Yeah thanks for reminding me about that hell hole" he only hums and it takes me a minute to realize the position we're in.

With me on top of him,straddling his hips, and our faces mere inches away. I feel my face heat up at the closeness.

It's not like we haven't been closer. I didn't really think about our closeness when we kissed. It just happened.

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