Chapter 1 - The Happy Hotel

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Angel's P.O.V -

I sigh because of how boring life is and how I couldn't go out and figure things out myself, it's all the same thing over and over again. No one comes over at the hotel anyway so why bother to try?
Charlie comes over to me all exited of course "Angel look I think I have the most brilliant idea for the hotel!" She squealed in excitement. Vaggie came and joined her "So. We need you to corporate with us in this, we have a set of rules for you to f-" I groan cutting her off "UGH, you really expect me to do this just for the sake of some dream get someone else to do it for you!?" I turn around to leave so I can do my kind of special work.

I swiftly open the door and look at both of them "Sorry but I have other things in mind instead." I start to head towards the door until I bump into someone. "Sorry but can you get out of my w-" I saw a tall red demon in front of me, he looked like a deer demon to be exact. He gave me a sinister smile. "w-way" I managed to finish my sentence.

'Who is this guy? I've never seen him before in my life. . .'

Alastor's P.O.V -

I swiftly chuckled as I looked down at the spider demon. "Hello dear! Where can I find Charlie? I need to speak with her." I gave him a slight grin. Charlie looked at me and yelped with excitement "Alastor your here you really are here!" She gleamed in excitement giving me a tight bear hug.

Vaggie looked at me in suspicion "Oh. It's just you. . ." She looked at me seriously. I looked back at the spider demon "so who's the fellow you have here Charlie dear?" Charlie looked at the other demon. "Oh it's just Angel, Angel Dust! You know the-" The spider demon quickly replied for her "The porn star~ you can call me Angel I wouldn't mind someone like you calling me that~" he got extremely close to me which in fact made me uncomfortable.

"Oh okay Angel then are you going to help out with Charlie's idea and her ideal dream" I looked at him smiling. "Of course I will only for you tho~" the male demon looked at me seductively. (If you know what Angel means *wink wink*)

I looked around the room for a while. "So where can I stay?" Vaggie looked at me in confusion "STAY!!?!!?" I looked at her grinning "of course stay because I'll be helping out over here for now on so I need a room to sleep in."
Charlie jumped up and down "Okay we have a room you can sleep in its next to Angel's room" I looked at Angel Dust "Brilliant."

Angel's P.O.V

"I- s-sure he can live next door to me" I faintly blush to myself. Vaggie pulled me far apart from Charlie and Alastor "Be very careful Angel you can't trust him he's the radio demon I wouldn't test my luck with him if I were you." I look at Charlie and Alastor's direction 'Alastor the Radio Demon?' I smirked to myself 'just exactly what I needed' I look at Vaggie and point to Alastor "He looks like a Strawberry pimp" I laughed to myself.

I went straight up to my room to prepare myself for the place I work of course Valentino will get mad at me if I don't make it there on time. I put on the slutest thing I can think of and went straight out my door "FatNuggets I made sure to put your food there for you I'll be back home before you know it." I started to walk in the lobby until I heard something or may I say a certain demon. "And where are you going Angel dear" I reply with a attitude "Why do you care!? Get your deer nose out of my business!" I felt my knuckles clench up a bit. "Dear I want to know because I'm concerned about you, I'm just making sure who heads out, so where exactly are you going?" I sigh and turn to look at him "I'm just going to work I need to show something to my boss I'll be right back in a few." He nods and with that I take my leave.

(The next chapter is going to contain *cOuGh CoUgH* smut so I advise you if you're sensitive I wouldn't read chapter 2 like I'm serious but it isn't going to be Alastor X Angel Dust just yet it's going to be Valentino X Angel tho Valentino here gets abusive.)

Valentino: Admin-san!! Don't spoil any details on your readings!!!?
Me: I'm not tho I'm just saying and its my story also you can call me Jen, Valentino.
Valentino: Okay Jen-san shush up or I'll expose you. . .
Me: *gasps* you wouldn't . . .fine I'll see you guys next chapter!^^
Valentino: See you next chapter!!

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