Chapter 12 - Poison love~

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Angel's P.O.V -

I felt Travis's lips against mine I reacted fast and pushed him away from me. "What the fuck!!!?...." I turn to look at Alastor. 'I-is he mad...?' I thought as the deer demon was looking down clearly ticked off his fist fully clenched into a ball. "Angel...we need to talk..." Alastor looked up at me as he dragged me to my room. "O-ow! Al that hurts let go!" I pleaded his hand around my wrist gripping tighter this time. Alastor pushed me against the wall hoisting my waist up as he pins my top set of arms. He starts to kiss my neck giving a few hickeys on it.

Mimzy's P.O.V -

I was closely listening to their whole situation I had a plan in mind if only this demon can agree to it then our goal is set...I walk to the demon tapping on his shoulder "The name is Travis am I not correct?" I give him a loving smile."Who the fuck are you?..." Travis gave me a look of disgust like if he smelled something rotten. My smile slowly fades away "The names Mimzy I couldn't mind but listen to your conversation but mind if I ask if you want Angel Dust to yourself maybe I can help with your situation as you can help with mine?" I smirk as he looks at me in curiosity.
"What's the catch?" "Oh no there is no catch you see we can both get something we want Angel and I want Alastor" he nods in agreement as we shake hands. 'Our goal is set just you wait Angel we will destroy that so called perfect relationship between you and my dear Alastor'

Alastor's P.O.V -

I smirked as I felt Angel whimper and whine against my hold. Angel wrapped his bottom set of arms around my waist as I start to thrust inside him giving him what he wanted the whole time. "A-al more!~" he moaned out. I gave him a panted groan as I kept moving faster picking up my pace abusing his sweet spot over and over again. I earned moans and pleadings for more. Angel reaches his climax and came all over his stomach as I began to feel a sudden knot in my stomach as I came as well. I breathe heavily as I lay him on the bed. Angel looks away his flustered face more red than usual. I kiss his lips as I lay next to him pulling him close. "Hey Al were you jealous...?" He questioned as he nuzzles against my chest. "Of course I was dear to know that a guy like him did it with you before we even met....yes it did hurt. . ." I admitted giving him a small smile. "But don't worry Angel dear I already know that nothing is going to separate the love we have right now..." I take Angel's hand and lock hands with him giving him a loving kiss on his forehead. "After all you're all mine Angel~"
"Heh all yours Al~" Angel replys back. 'I wish this day will never fade away let's keep it as it will only be about me and Angel for the rest of our lives...nothing will come between us.'

Travis's P.O.V -

I take a peek of the room that Alastor and Angel are taking a nap in. Mimzy was busy getting a damn flower just to help us get what we need for this mission...I didn't enjoy the fact that Angel was enjoying his warm embrace with Bambi. 'Angel is mine and mine alone he shouldn't be getting in our way....tsk' I thought as I jumped up as someone touched my shoulder "It's me calm down silly..." Mimzy giggled softly as she shows me the flower she brought. "Forgetmenots?" I tilted my head as I remember what type of flower it was she smiled nodding in agreement "Mhmm! It'll make them forget who they're towards each other which is perfect in my opinion"
Mimzy puts on gloves as she gets a needle filled with the sweet forgettable nectar. We slowly creep in their room as she decides to do it on Angel first. Angel winced and moved in pain. Alastor's ear twitches as Mimzy almost got to his shoulder when she yelped feeling Alastor's hand on her wrist...he woke up.

Alastor's P.O.V -

I heard a sudden but yet silent 'ow...' when I realized it came out of my husbands mouth. I open one of my eyes to see Mimzy and Travis in Angel's room putting some kind of injection in Angel's shoulder so I wait for the right moment to grab Mimzy's wrist. "What did you do?!...." I growl as she drops the injector on the floor she smirks starting to laugh out loud "Oh Alastor darling you're too late he won't even remember you by the time he wakes up!~" She happily stated as she touched my cheek making me slightly uncomfortable. 'What does she mean by that...' Angel softly and slowly woke up to see me grabbing Mimzy by the wrist. "W-who are you!?..." Angel looked confused as he covers his top half with the cover feeling uncomfortable as ever to seeing all three of us in his room. I sigh as i push Travis and Mimzy out of his room. "A-angel? You don't remember me?" "Nope I don't know who you're whatsoever...but hey babe can you maybe bring me something sweet to snack on~" he smiled showing me a toothy grin, I smile softly "of course my dear anything for you" I walk out of his room 'Is he acting like we first met all over again all...flirty like?!' I run downstairs to the lobby but get stopped by Charlie and Vaggie. "Woah Alastor whats with the rush?" Charlie looked at me concerned more than ever.

"Its...Angel h-he doesn't know who I am anymore..." I whisper through small gasps I felt the sudden the urge of crying.

(I'm sorry peeps gonna have to wait for the next chapter for this one uwu I can't believe I didn't went lewd on this chapter but I guarantee you that the next chapter is gonna be NSFW Ö so there is your little warning...)

Lucifer: Ahhhh....the great struggle of love will always come with its consequences.
Me: yuppie that's why I'm writing these for a reason because I struggle with love myself
Lucifer: Oh is that so but I hope you liked this chapter hope to see you next time!~
Me: Thank you!~

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