Chapter 8 - The Special Gift~

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Angel's P.O.V -

I feel a trail of tears escape my eyes as I felt his arms wrap around me felling his warm hug.
¿Is this what loving someone feels like?

I smile softly as I heard a "Ahem" interrupt our loving moment together.

Alastor stood up as he noticed Mimzy standing in the door way her hands crossed as she stared me down in a rude manner. I glare at her right back as I stood up putting a hand on my waist. "What are you doing here Mimzy dear?" Alastor gave his usual smile as he spoke in his radio like voice. But yet he stayed calm...after ruining OUR moment how can he remain calm. "Alastor dear, Charlie was just looking for you she's in the kitchen" Mimzy smiled at me but it was one of those obvious fake smiles. Alastor sighed as he left the room leaving me and Mimzy alone. "Angel I got a task for you. How about you leave me and Alastor alone he doesn't need someone like you!" She smirked as she spoke "After all you have nothing compared to me I've known Al way longer." My eyes widened as she said that. Oh shit she was right she has known Alastor way longer than me what am I going to do. "Y-your right..." I silently whispered. "What! Repeat that again Angel dear!~ I couldn't hear you well!" She looked at me as I got on my hands and knees. "I-i have nothing compared to're right why would he love someone like me!..." I cry out. Mimzy laughed at me like if I was a poor person she would see on the streets of Hell. "Good boy now leave!~ Chop chop!~" She happily stated as she escorted me out of the my room and towards the lobby. She pushes me outside. I start walking a take one look at the Happy Hotel and with that I go on my way.

Alastor's P.O.V -

I finish the task Charlie told me to do it obviously had something to do with food testing. I go up to Angel's room as I slowly open the door "Dear I'm ba-" I look around his room but no one was there except his small pig. "Angel!!" I yell out but no response I spot Nifty cleaning the hallways "Hey! Nifty! Have you seen Angel!" I call out to her she stops what she's doing and looks at me concerned "Why yes, you just missed him this lady lead him to the lobby and told him to never come back to the Hotel" Nifty went back to cleaning the portraits that are hanging on the wall. I pull her with me and take her to the lobby "Point! Point to who made Angel leave..." I couldn't stand a life without Angel he was the only thing that was missing in my life and I can't just lose something very important to me. Nifty pointed at a lady with a hat that had a very long, big feather at the end, that was practically hiding her face. I speed walked towards her as I take her hat off. I was surprised to see Mimzy. So Mimzy made Angel leave, but why!!? "Mimzy where is A-" I felt a pair of lips smash against mine I push her away from me and take a step back as I look at her. "Alastor darling, I love you" Mimzy smiled softly as she came closer to me. "Mimzy I don't love y-" "WHAT DOES THAT SLUT HAVE THAT I DON'T HUH!!? I HAVE SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE THAN A STUPID PORNSTAR SPIDER....he slept with other guys and you might just be a back up for him. why why does it have to be him of all people..." Mimzy quietly cried as she covered her ears. "D-don't even tell me you love him I know you do Alastor....he's at Valentino's place...." She looked away. My eyes widen from shock as I bolt out of the hotel.

Angel's P.O.V -

"I'm so sorry Valentino please forgive me...I'll do whatever you'll like...please take me back in..." I plead as he looks away from me in disgust. Valentino walks towards me squishing both of my cheeks with his hand. "Angel cakes~ You can privately perform for me that's going to be your apology~" I smirk as I take off a long coat that I was wearing. Valentino smirks as he looks at me from every angle. 'I came prepared this time with the slutest outfit I can think of~' I get on Valentino's lap facing his direction as I slowly grind. I moan softly as I feel his lips kiss my chest fluff softly, yet caring. I blush as I felt full pleasure. I hear the door burst open as me and Valentino turn to face who bursted in. 'I-its Alastor what is he doing here....' I quickly get off of Valentino. Alastor walks towards Valentino in complete silence. I felt a dark presence in him that I haven't seen before...

Alastor's P.O.V -

I quietly walk towards Valentino cupping his throat with one hand "STAY away from me and Angel got that..." My antlers grew a few as black ooze started to drip out of my mouth. Valentino gags out a "F...fuck...y...ou" I let him go as I turn to Angel lifting him up by his feet putting Angel's coat on him so it can cover his revealing outfit a few. We walk towards the Happy Hotel in complete silence as I take Angel back to his room and set him down on his bed. Angel looks away, I noticed a tear going down his face I quickly reacted to this. "Angel are you oka-" "NO! I'm not okay Al you should be better off with Mim-" I stop him from finishing his sentence as I smash my lips against him to make him shut up. "I meant what I meant early I only love you Angel dear....I don't like Mimzy or anyone else. You're the only demon i love in all of hell...." I smile softly carresing his cheek wiping his tears away.

"Angel I want to be with you forever and for that I only have two words..." I smile Angel looks at me as I get down on one knee.

"This is my gift to you...Angel...~"

(Y'ALL I BET YOU GUYS WERE WAITING FOR THIS DAY TO COME I MEAN BACK IN CHAPTER 2   I kinda gave that away *cOuGh CoUgH* but anyway I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter you will be seeing their beautiful marriage next chapter ùAú I can't believe I'm still writing this garbage...but if you think I did good than thank you!~)

Alastor + Angel: We hope to be seeing you next chapter!~
Me: *goes to a corner and crys* these baby's are gonna get married and all you readers are invited...
Alastor: it's not that big of a deal...
Angel: Yea unless no one wants to come that's fine too but thank you so much for the support hope we see you again!

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