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As I was walking through the door I heard a gunshot.

I froze not knowing what to do, and still facing the door , I wanted to run but my legs froze. I wanted to scream but my throat was aching. I stood next to the door with my heart beating so fast you'd swear it was jumping out of my body and coming back.

I think I had sweat all over my body . I know it might sound crazy but believe me, ever been traumatized to a point where you release chemical between your thighs?

Yes it happens to some people and I don't blame them.

Trauma is a moment where your body controls itself. I tried looking back but my head was so heavy it felt like I was carrying a cow.

I bravely looked back and the streets were already packed with people. Two policemen walked to the police car and drove away. Wow, who shoots an innocent person and walks away like nothing happened.

I walked to the dead body and spotted someone I knew. I lay down on my knees next to the body and cried.

I knew the body it was my brother, I cried uncontrollably and people tried to calm me down.

Two strange men then held both my arms and I don't know how but I managed to force myself out of their strong hands and ran to the house.

My mom saw me crying and asked what happened. I stuttered for about 30 seconds, tears were filled in my eyes. I told her what I saw outside then she quickly ran to the scene...

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