Chapter Eight

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Uninvited visitors are the worst.

I hate it when someone barks in the house without informing you. They should at least ask if they may come.

This reminds me of childhood. I hated playing outside , so I'd stay at home and do chores or rather better just sit. I'd ask my mom to tell my friends that I wasn't around.

I'd listen to her as she would say "Anisa said I must tell guys that she's not available".

And she'd say this loud so that I could hear her.

"Anisa your friends are looking for you." She would shout.

She didn't understand that I didn't want to play with them, my friends were way beyond childishness. Their behaviors were inappropriate, I couldn't tolerate them.

As I was standing at the door clueless to why was he bleeding. To why was his Beyoncé face filled with scars.

The first thing I asked was " what happened?"

"Can I come in?" He scoffed. I opened the door and he sat on the couch.

I offered Niki a glass of water. "No thank you." He said.

We sat parallel facing each other on the large couch. He stared at me for about 30 seconds ,it was weird but I liked it. I asked him to stop staring and tell me what happened.

"I was walking on the streets and some light skinned guy came towards me. He asked me to stay away from his sister. I pushed him and he fought me. He's in hospital now." He said

Niki was the reason why my brother was in hospital. I told him he was brother and he apologized.

I asked him to go wash off his blood. I walked to the bathroom then opened the tap to fill the bathtub with warm water and foam bath.

I called him. He came straight to the bathroom and took of his clothes while I was spreading the foam into the bath. I looked back and "naked Niki was ready to bath".

I scanned his body for seconds, then I realized that I was next to a naked strange boy. I quickly apologized and ran out of the bathroom.

He came to the sitting room with a towel tied on his waist.

I asked if he needed anything. "A cuddle,"He said.

I slowly got up and gave him the warmest cuddle ever. His towel fell down and the door handle opened. I was petrified.

I didn't stop cuddling him, he was holding me so tight. I pushed him back so bad he fell on his back on the couch.

My mom was still standing next to the door with my bruised brother. He saw Niki and kicked him out of the house.

My mom walked outside and came back after a while with my dad. I guess she was exaggerating what she saw to my dad.

"Stay away from boys like him," Mickus said walking to his room.

I tried to explain but my parents ignored me and left me in the sitting room. I wasn't expecting them to leave me like that. I was ready to get bruises on my face but didn't get any. I was getting along with my parents and I ruined it. I stood on the door and slowly bent down.

I shed tears silently

I went to my parent's room to apologize but I heard my aggressive dad shouting at my mom. I knew it would be disrespectful if I intended to disturb them, so I left them and headed to my room.

I had thoughts. Not just thoughts but deep thoughts. I thought they didn't care for me anymore because if they did, they would have shouted at me.

I know that if parents don't shout at their children. They certainly do not care.

Do you remember that strange man that once came when I was with my brother? The second day I was harassed? Yes that man. Maybe he was my real father because my dad didn't care anymore.

I went back to their room and knocked for minutes and minutes without any response. After few minutes of knocking without any response, the door finally opened.

"What is your problem? Can't you see that you've caused enough problem?" My mom yelled.

"Who is my real dad?" I asked

"You have the nerve to come all the way to my room, knock for hours then ask such a stupid question? Go to your room. I'm very disappointed in you. You should be ashamed,"She yelled.

I was so hurt, not just hurt but very hurt. I kept on reciting those words in my mind, and more tears would roll down my cheeks .

I strolled to my room and shut the door behind me.

Well our windows didn't have any protection burglars, so I thought of running way overnight. I...

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