Chapter Fourteen

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Being tapped on your shoulder is petrifying.

I thought it was Cairo and his friends trying to kidnap me again. I looked back and it was that man that once came to my house claiming to be my father.

"Hi h-how can I help you?" I asked.

"I was just greeting you. Are you fine?" He said.

I ignored him and ran back to the tent. I asked my cousins to escort me to the car.

They escorted me and I took the hat and gave it to my mom.

People said positive things about my dad and Mickus.

I was suppose to speak as well. I walked towards the front and saw many eyes looking at me. I was scared.

I stood there and looked around. Tears started to flow down my cheeks.

"It is not a pleasure standing here about say last words to my dad and brother.." I whimpered.

I went to sit alone in my room until it was time to go to the cemetery. Aunt Zukia and I used the car that had my brother's body while my mom and my "real father" were in a car that carried my dad.

We got to the cemetery and we sat under the tent. The pastor began to preach until it was time for the bodies to descend into the ground.

Cries were built as the bodies were sent down.

My mom had seizures and was rushed to the hospital. I was sobbing. I could barely breath.

People gave me water to calm me down but I wouldn't calm down. The service ended and everyone went to my house for food and refreshments.

I sat in my room with Aunt Zukia. She tried telling me random stories to make me laugh but I wasn't interested.
I was sobbing. I was hurt. I was petrified.
Was I cursed?

I was not ready to loose my mom as well. My life was torn apart. I asked Aunt Zukia if we could see mama at the hospital and she agreed.

Aunt Sindi was in charge of everything in the house. I trusted her so aunt Zukia and I rushed to the hospital.

We drove past McDonald's and she bought me a meal. She was trying by all means to make me feel better.

We got to the hospital and asked for Deborah Whitney.

The nurse led us to the ward which my mom was kept in.

I saw her laying helpless on the bed with thousands of drips. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

Never before had I seen my mom so weak. Never before had I seen my mom so helpless. Never before had I been this hurt.

She didn't move. At all.

"Go on and talk to her." The doctor said.

"But she won't hear me." I said.

"She will. She can." She smiled.

I spoke to my mom and told her how much I loved her. Aunt Zukia spoke to her as well and we left.

I was petrified when I got into the house.
It was 22:00.
Our furniture was not there. I rushed through the car to tell aunt Zukia and she was nowhere to be found...

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