Chapter One

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It all started when we moved to Brooklyn in New York.

My mom used to work as a nurse at some local clinic and my father at some mining industry. We stayed together with my older brother Mickus who was 4 years older than me in a four bedroomed house.
My brother and I slept together.

There were so many "GANGs" in my hood and my brother was part of the TFL, abbreviated Thugs For Life. My mom didn't approve this but it never stopped my brother.

There was this one day whereas "the enemies" of my brother's gang came to my house and threatened to kill my mother, I was fifteen by then. I remember very well.

I was petrified and did not know what to do but luckily they never did not do anything to her. It was just a threat that she should warn "her son" to stop messing with them .

My mom was very angry that night but never said anything to Mickus.

There was only one person who could handle him and that was my dad. No one would mess with my dad even my mom. That person was a hardcore. You would never win an argument easily over him.

I used to go to Crenshaw Primary school, I hated that school ,I don't wanna lie.

But I never told my mom because I was doing very well at school and she was proud of me.

She would even compliment the teachers every time which annoyed me ,but I would still agree with her and force a priceless smile on my face which would hurt my jaws. That school was packed of fake people.

I remember there was this very intelligent student named Lara. Many people hated her for no reason.

I hated her sometimes as well because she would remind teachers of homework we did not do and she was every teacher's pet.

They'd send her like every single minute, and many people wanted that position. It was confusing though, like who wants to be sent every single second.

They were probably jealous.

Some girls threatened Lara to do their homework for them. I don't know if she argued against the demand or what but they stabbed her on the scene. Poor little Lara May her soul Rest In Peace.

My brother dropped out of school in grade 11, his reasons were because it was too difficult and he didn't want to die of depression. Well I still don't get why my mom let him drop out school cause she would tell me everyday that I must never drop out of school. Maybe it's because my brother was a hardcore.

Grade 11 is another world , students commit suicide and people still do not realize this. Education is not for everyone, some people are good when it comes to working with their hands and others mentally.

Children should not be forced to go to school but guided to their decisions.

I had two friends at school Carl and Jessie , Carl is a boy. Many people thought we were dating because we were very close . He would get angry if boys would try to ask me out , he would even threaten to beat them up. He was overprotective sometimes which would annoy me.

We would sit together during break just the three of us and talk about how we wanted to live our lives when we grow up. Everyone has dreams. This was literally our everyday topic.

One day as we were sitting on the bench in the park. I felt wet between my thighs,I thought I had peed on myself but I doubted that. I stood up wearing my white jeans and people started to laugh.

I didn't know why but they were laughing with their mouths wide open to a point where you'd stuck your head in their mouths .

Then this other rude girl named Aisha came towards me, I knew this was not a good call. Aisha could embarrass you so badly that you'd regret why you were even born on earth. The first thing she said was " looks like someone forgot to put on a tampon" and the crowd laughed.

I quickly stood up and ran like a lunatic.

My mom once told me that I should stay always from boys when the time comes.

I did not understand what she meant though . I got home and changed my pants and underwear. I tried washing them but the stain wouldn't wash off. I then hid them behind the fridge. I knew my mom would never shift the fridge.

During super that day, my brother went to the kitchen to get something from the fridge and came back holding my underwear at the tip of the edge.

I looked down and my mom said "what's that Mickus" I apologized and started to cry, then she held my hand and told me that there was nothing to be afraid of, it's just a sign that I must stay away from boys.

My mom did not want me to associate with boys in any form . What she could have said was at least " It's a sign that you're growing up" not only that I must stay away from boys.

I wiped my tears and started asking questions, my mom didn't give me straight answers. I guess she was scared.

It was weird. She was like "you have to start wearing two things down there." I don't blame her she was probably not taught about these things. Anyway I listened to her instructions and did as she said.

The following day I went to school as normal.

Carl and Jessie told me that they wouldn't be able to walk with me that day because they had an extra English lesson.

I told them that I'd be fine. As I was walking , a black nice German car was following me.

At first I thought we were going to the same place but I noticed that they were actually following me because I stopped at the tuck shop, and so did the "strangers".

I stopped and tried to look through the windows to see who was in the car but I couldn't see anything because the windows were tinted. I ran and they still followed me.

I tripped and fell, the next thing I...

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