Chapter Three

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You could never forget the person who harassed you. Cairo is the guy who kidnapped me. He is the one who covered my mouth.

When I saw him, I froze. The air came out of my mouth as if I was choking. We stared at each other and the recognition passed between us like radio waves.

I turned and ran like a maniac.

"HEY!" Emy called as I shoved past her. But I didn't turn back. I didn't go back to the social.

In the cab ride home, I
noticed something. I don't know if it was peer pressure or growing up, but I had changed. I wasn't mommy's little girl, I wasn't who I used to be.

I was always in trouble. I kept bad company. Emy. Emy was the reason I changed.

She was a real influencer. Which is featly another word for manipulator.

At first she was very nice, friendly. Calm like the waters of an lake. And she was beautiful. People like beauty so much they forget to mistrust it. You wouldn't think anything bad of her.

But beautiful people, who look and act innocent are dangerous. Like a clap of lightning, their beauty is a warning. It warns of thunder to come. Of a storm.

She invited me to this all night party. I was reluctant. But she spoke so sweetly, the manipulator she was, I ended up going.

I was petrified. It was my first time going out with friends without my parent's permission. I snuck out of the house at 23:00 when everyone was asleep.

When you're a good girl, being in a party for the first time is an education. I'm not talking about those family parties.

Those 40th birthday parties where the adults hang out in one corner and the kids hang out in another.

I'm talking about a party where the law doesn't matter. Where a fourteen year old was drinking scotch. Where the smell of weed hung heavy in the air. And where the bathroom counter tops were coated in white powder you were too afraid to ask about.

I felt lost . My schoolmates were used to partying. But I was a fish out of water. I mean I would never throw a house party to celebrate my mom leaving.

I'd actually want her to come back as soon as possible. Home is not home without a mother.

People were flirting every corner of the house. Not casual laugh and hit the arm flirt, it was the reach and rub over his pants type of flirt. It made me sick to my stomach.

Every mouth smelt like liquor. The thick smoke made me nauseas.

My mom once told me to never smoke, because I would die. She was a nurse after all, so I listened to every health precautions she gave me.

Someone offered me a glass of whiskey and I graciously declined.

"So you think you're special because you don't drink? You're an idiot. No wonder you aren't having any fun," she said.

My hand somehow found its way across her cheek. She turned red so quickly even I was shocked. You don't have a father who slaps hard just to suck at beating a person down. Thanks dad.

"You handled her well" a person said clapping hands. I sucked my teeth and sat alone.

Emy called me over where she was sitting and introduced me to her friends.

"Why are you dressed like you're selling peanuts at night" someone laughed.

Everyone laughed. I ran outside. Emy found me with my head tucked into my knees.

"What happened inside? Why did you run away like a child? Did I invite you here to embarrass me? Did I introduce hello kitty to my friends or a woman? Grow up hello kitty. Fast."

I looked at her through my tears, how could anything so beautiful be so cruel. She rolled her eyes at my pain. "Take two puffs and you'll be fine." She passed me a cigarette.

This time I didn't refuse I puffed twice and coughed out as fire went down my throat.

"Hahha haaa! There's still a lot to learn huh, Hello kitty." she chuckled. "Don't worry. I'll teach you."

She convinced me to go back to the party. As we were walking back to the house, someone waved. I waved back.

The man came towards us. "I don't usually wave at girls." I was confused because he waved at me.

"A beautiful girl like you cannot be entertained by such people, now follow me." He insisted.

He forcefully led me to this big luxurious bedroom. I stood as he sat on the king sized bed.

"Oh my bad, I am Jafta," he said stretching his wrinkled arm.

I looked at him and wanted to puke. He offered me a glass of wine and I refused but he still gave me.

Just like Emy he wasn't one to take no for an answer. It tasted bitter and sweet at the same time.

Next thing, the sun was burning my back. I slowly stretched my body and it was already morning through the window.

I looked around to check for the sign of Emy and she was nowhere to be found.

At the corner of my eye at glimpse I caught my clothes carelessly deposited on the floor.

At first I thought it was the wine playing with my brain.

I gently took my hands for a stroll around my body without looking.

I felt my bare skin hot, I quickly grabbed my clothes and rushed to the bathroom to change.

As I walking out of the bathroom, someone planted something in my back pocket. "Maybe she just stuck her fingers mistakenly and quickly pushed them out" I thought to myself.

I saw three policemen, again I thought the wine was controlling my brain.

"Everyone lie down and don't move." He said. At first we thought he was joking.

We all did and they proceed. "Arrest her,she has drugs" one policeman said.

I looked back to see who was arrested and the policeman grabbed my arm wrists and cuffed them with a thick chain.

I started to scream and fight, but I failed against those strong hands. He told me it would only be worse for me if I fought.

I told them they were not my drugs and one policeman said "that's what everyone says every time."

I tried to escape, then the next thing I heard a sound going "BOOOM!!" And everyone except the policemen was screaming....

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