Chapter Twenty

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Life cannot be predicted.

We walked until we saw light. I found hope.
Gift wasn't feel well. I was thirsty.Tired.

I walked to the closest house and asked for food. The lady wasn't friendly but her husband insisted she helps us. I thanked him then we walked endlessly.

I didn't know where we were going but we were didn't stop.
I thought of hiking to home but I remembered that I didn't have one anymore.

It was getting dark and there was no where to go.
I begged people for money and lucky I got few dollars.

I got Gift his medicine then we settled at some dumpster. I took my jersey and covered Gift. I was feeling cold but I couldn't let my child suffer.

I hardly slept thinking of what was going to happen next.

I woke up very early. Early before the sun could peep through the  dark curtains of the sky.

I carried Gift as he was still sleeping and we strolled.

I asked people for food and money on the streets but it wasn't enough for the both of us.

I got a temporary job at some tuck shop but it didn't pay well. The money I earned wasn't going to keep our stomachs full. It wasn't going to rent or buy me a house.

As I was begging for money on the streets after my shift. A car stopped by and gave me $20.
I was so happy. I thanked the person and even knelt.

He told me about some modeling company he owned and how he was looking for something new.

I was surprised though. I was a street woman and he was willing to give me such an opportunity.

I fell for it and he rented a townhouse for us. I wasn't comfortable because I didn't know his main intentions. I couldn't refuse because nor did I know if it was a scam or what. But I needed money.

He promised to take Gift to a special kindergarten. And he did. Gift was happy as he was around people who didn't judge.

I signed the contract and the agreements.

I was temporarily employed but I was happy.
I decided to visit my home together with Gift. He was three years old by then.

We got to Gary's house and found out that they had moved out. I went to my mom's house and I saw her ironing.

I greeted her and she didn't notice me. I showed her my birth mark and she was happy to see me.

"Anisa my daughter I've been looking for you. Who is this?" She scoffed.

"I'm still hurt about what happened but I've forgiven you. This is Gift my child. Gary tried to kill me but I survived and so did Gift." I said.

She apologized and welcomed Gift. I told her about my modeling contract and she was proud of me.

I stayed few days and went back to Australia.

As we were walking out of the house. I saw Gary. He was drunk. As always and he looked destitute.

"You look gorgeous. I thought you died." He grunted.

"Fortunate enough I didn't. I'm living a happy life in Australia and thanks to you."

"Okay. May you please give me a dollar." He said as he was about to kneel down.

"" I said as Gift and I left.

I got promoted in the company and bought the shares. I now owned the biggest modeling company in the world.

Gift got an implant and he could hear. He's condition was promising. I lived in Australia in some estate. My life had never been this great.

Life cannot be predicted. Good and bad days are going to shower you but that doesn't mean that you are cursed. You are simply living life.

                             ~The End~

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