Chapter Twelve

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Seeing a person laying helpless on the ground is tormenting, especially if you've known the person for quite some time.

Having to see a person smile at their last minutes is painful. Having to see a person die in front of you is painful. Having to see a person you've been with few seconds ago dying is painful.

I threw myself recklessly on the ground and placed my head on top of the unconscious body.

I shed tears and shook my brother yelling at him to wake up.
I shook him badly.
I didn't believe that he was the one laying on the ground. I was smiling with him few minutes ago and he was now on the ground helpless.

People called emergency centers and the policeman who had a gun held in his hands walked away. I wanted to kill him. I wanted him to feel the pain my brother was feeling.

I found myself on top of him getting his face bruised. The next thing, there was blood all over me. I threw few punches on his face and saw teeth coming out of his mouth with a pool of blood.

People tried to stop me but they failed. Someone pushed me reluctantly I fell on the ground with my back facing the sky.

My stomach immediately had cramps. Two men held both my hands as I was attempting to beat the policeman even more.I fought with everything I had and managed to escape from their hands.

I ran to the house limping and crying.

"What took you so long?" Mom asked.

"What happened? Where is the parcel? Why are you crying? Did you fall?" She grubbed.

"Didn't you hear a gunshot?" I screamed shedding tears.

I then noticed that my mom had headsets on few seconds ago and she probably didn't hear anything.

"Mickus is dead." I screamed.

Mom quickly ran to the scene and came back after few minutes to tell me that she was going to the hospital with the ambulance together with Mickus and she had called Cassandra's mom to fetch me. I told her it wasn't necessary then she departed.

I was still traumatized. I drank a liter of water within 30 seconds to calm down.

I went to my brother's room and I lay on his bed shedding tears.

I think I fell asleep after few minutes because I was awoken by my dad's voice.

"Anisa!" He yelled.

I quickly rushed to the living room and saw my dad sweating so badly.

"What's wrong pops?" I asked.

"Where is your mom? Who did she go with? How does he look?" He asked furiously.

"Uhm..mama..we-nttt." I stuttered.

"Went where?" He yelled.

"Mickus has been shot and mama went with him to the hospital together with the ambulance."

I saw tears gathering in my dad's eyes. It was my first time seeing him cry. I knew that he was really hurt.

Without saying anything, he took his car keys and headed to the door. I was standing next to the large couch

The next thing my dad fell on the ground before he could reach the door...

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