chapter 1:

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My name is Sabina hadid , I'm 18 years old, I'm from a family of five, by that I mean me,

my dad, mum, little sister Safina 6 and my older brother Saif 20, my mum is a round-
the-clock house wife/ business woman, she is a CEO of a clothing line, my dad Alhaji

Muhammad hadid is also is a business man and a little into polities, we are kanuri tribe,

from the northeastern part of Nigeria but we live in Abuja, my brother Saif, is currently

schooling in south Africa, studying Architecture, Safina is in 4th grade, she is entirely

different from me, if she is a sweetheart, then I am a bitter heart, I love her so much,

her one flaw is that she likes I mean she loves pink, while me on the other hand is a

stick-in-the-mud fan of black, my parent gave us everything we ever wanted, as the only

girls, we are literally spoilt brats,

I have everything every teenage girl could ask for, fancy bags, shoes, jewelries and

dresses except the fact that I got no friends, girls out there are so chaotic, especially

few I have met in my high school days, I knew Aisha in 7th grade, who thinks she is

perfect and all the boys wants her, in 8th grade was Helena a Christian girl who calls

herself Barbie and wears all pink, and hafsat my 7th grade friend who claim to be my

friend but say weird things behind my back, one day I caught her red handed in school

eatery, and that was the end of the friendship, since then I don't trust no one, Saif and

safina were my only friends.

Beep beep' my alarm rings.

I groaned and hit my alarm hard to snooze it, I slide to the other side of the bed to have

at least few more minutes of sleep, and there goes technically, my human alarm, safina

literally drumming me to wake up. "Wake up Sabina its 8 in the morning" she yelps" just

2 minutes I mumbled in my sleep, "you are going to miss your flight Sabina! She keeps

on calling until I lost it and wake up "get the fuck out of my bloody bedroom before I

butcher you, you little angel (note the sarcasm)" I yelled at her "mom says no F word"

she yelled back while running out of the room, I smiled.

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