chapter 21

177 21 4

Sabina's POV

"huh, why! I puffed

"I don't know, get your ass up and get dressed" she ordered and sauntered to her wardrobe

"can today get any better!!!" I mumbled as
I dragged myself sluggishly to my wardrobe and picked a multi-color gown and picked a matching veil from my neatly folded scarfs. Like seriously I need to take my clothes to laundry, I thought.
"cant I at least bath?" I asked amber blinking at her

"you crazy?" she said changing into her floral pink gown,

"whatever" I rolled my eyes and wore my dress, I rolled my scarf and sprayed perfume, sniffing my armpit, I grabbed my phone and we made our way to the parlor,

malika was already dressed, she was tapping away her phone but zoya was eating stir-fry pasta, still in a strapless gown which means she's not ready yet,
"you aren't dressed up till now? Amber smirked at zoya

"let me eat in peace, moreover this is just 1pm" zoya said munching her beef
"now I see someone who speak my fu-king language" I sneered and ambled to the kitchen, I picked a bowl from the rack and served myself pasta.
"Sabina you didn't kill anybody right? I self-asked myself, and I said "no" I needed to be sure, we finished eating and zoya wore a black jean and put on a long blue hijab and we trotted outside to the black BMW
thank God Hanif car was around, Amber entered the driver seat, Zoya sat on the passenger seat while me and Malika entered the back seat, as Zoya drove to school, we parked and waited for some minutes to compose ourselves, we have no idea what's about to go down and that made us uneasy,

"don't be scared Sabina" Malika said nervously

"I'm not" I smirked

"don't shake in there either" she said again I nodded

"so be stable we haven't done anything wrong" she added

"yup and don't shake either" Zoya said
" huh why would I? she said and Zoya tapped her thigh,

"oh oh oh oh ! " she said and we all chuckled because ever since we got into this car Malika legs have been trembling,

"let's go bitches" I said and we sauntered down from the car and entered the senate building.
We salaamed and entered the disciplinarian's office which look more like a sitting room, with couches, rug, coffee table and a large TV plastered on the wall
"wa alaikum salam waramatu lahi wa barakatul" he responded, which made Amber rolled her eyes


We exchanged greetings and he gave us "what do you want" look, as if he didn't call us here.

"we received a call to come here today," I spoke first

"what are your names" he asked through his glass and we told him 'Sabina hadid, I said
" Malika muktar," Zoya ashraf"
Amber abdullah" amber added

"you are Alhaji muktar muhammed's daughter?" he asked malika precise and she nodded

Alright, have a seat" he said glancing at us as we sat on the couch,

"some of our female students are staying off campus, I mean they don't stay in school's hostels" he said removing his glass.

My heart skipped, and we all shared a confused look, because we were given off campus-permit.

"well, you guys are called here for staying off-campus, and will be punished according to the school's policy!"

"what!" we all screamed

"sir we have off campus permit" Amber said

"yes, I'm aware of that also, you all lied, Amber abdullah claimed to be allergic to humans,
He sighed and continued, Sabina hadid claimed to have skin infections due to hostel's water, malika muktar claimed she has asthma, which is true....., zoya said staying with people make her sick... all of you lied giving false excuses" he scolded.

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