chapter 23

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A/N: listen to Ariana Grande_7rings for this chapter 🖤

Kamila went over to amber and sat down, I pinched Zoya arm as I sat down too and she grimaced.

Let the feast begin” I squealed

We ate literally everything on the trays, except for the left over icecreams we kept in the freezer, after we finished eating, we decided to watch a movie.

“girl’s trip” Malika suggested

“no let’s watch “truth or dare” I suggested

“why not play truth or dare instead” amber smirked

“yes girls” Zoya said,

“nice one” Kamila said and Zoya smirked at her
“whatever” Zoya muttered and we all laughed.

“like seriously girls, get it together” amber said spinning the bottle, and the stupid bottled pointed at me and I Huffed

“truth or dare?” amber asked

“truth” I said
“if you could only hear one artist’s song for the rest of your life, who would it be”

“that’s hard but cardi b maybe Travis Scott”

Spins bottle (amber)
Truth or dare
“truth” she said

“jork, nerd or bad guy” I asked
“bad guy any fucking day” amber said

“spins bottle (Zoya)
“truth or dare
“why do you hate me” Kamila asked
“because you are too pretty” Zoya smirked and we all awnned

Spins bottle(Malika)
“truth or dare
“do you still love your ex” amber asked and she did the unexpected, she kept quiet, which startled me. My heart was racing.

“nop” she said popping the ‘p’ and I sighed
“I’m sleepy” Zoya yawned
“no you can’t sleep now” I spanked her head.

“why” she spanked me too, “seriously” I said and threw a popcorn at her, she caught it and munch it,

“let’s watch girl’s trip, have heard a lot of that movie” Kamila said and amber played girl’s trip, we covered half of our body with blankets and watch as we munch our Oreo funfetti popcorn, damnn it’s heaven on earth.

We were halfway through the movie when amber spoke up
“tell us about the kiss” amber squealed and I blushed red, the whole moment with Ahyan replayed in my mind, I could mentally feel his lips on mine again and I miss him instantly.

“wait, what? Kiss? Sabinnaaaaa” Kamila attacked me with questions and I grinned widely
“you kissed Ahyan” Kamila widen her eyes and I nodded

“why don’t we talk about Yusuf’ I raised an eyebrow.
“I hate you” Kamila said,

“I’m all ears” amber said
“why do I feel so sleepy all of a sudden” I feigned and she slapped my shoulder. Zoya and Malika were far-off asleep, losers!!

We continued watching our movie while munching our funfeetti popcorn, the last scene I could remember was Lina cursing at Lisa at a party, the rest was history

Next morning
“aissh, why is it so uncomfortable” I mumbled sleepily and opened my eyes slightly and screamed when I saw Kamila leg on my tummy, amber head on my arm, Zoya laying diagonal her head on my lap, and her legs on Malika’s face
My scream startled them and they all jumped up, well except amber, dead ass, I pushed her off me.

“get up and pray losers” comes in a familiar voice, I turned to see Hanif at the door,

“wtf, how did you get here” I squealed, he gave me a confused look pointing his thumb at the door.
“oh oh” I said, fuck we didn’t lock our door, perfectttt (note the sacarsm)

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