chapter 14

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this chapter is dedicated to Ammarhbuwarh and qaheesha
I miss you guys😑

Ahyan POV.
Well, my graduation is around the corner, and we have many upcoming events, walima(graduation) ,dinner and award night,
so I’m planning on taking Sabina as my date to the dinner, I have been thinking of what dress to get her for the dinner, but I don’t want to tell her yet, since it’s a surprise, if I asked amber to help me shop for a dress, she’s going to tell Sabina beforehand , well that girl never keep quite, if I asked Zoya it’s same as telling Sabina,

they are both the same lol, they can’t keep secrets so Malika is the only one that can help me, even before the whole dating drama, she was my cousin and still my family, things might have gone down between us but she’s the most understanding cousin ever, I couldn’t pick her calls, because I didn’t have the courage to tell her then it was over between us,

till date I still blame myself for making her go through all that and now that everything is settled, and I’m glad she didn’t let her our past relationship ruin our friendship, so I called her on Friday after jumu’at prayer and she said she’s on her way home from school, I pleaded with her to meet me, “Malika please, I need your help” I said over the phone

“not now sani, I’m so drained and sick, I’m going home” she said “alright meet me at the cafeteria will drop you at home” i said

“toh sani shikenan, ina zua( alright sani I’m coming). She came and I asked her if she wants anything from the canteen but she said no, that she’s okay, we went outside and entered my car, I told her about my plans while driving “iye sani you want me to assist my ex to shop for his girlfriend who’s my best friend Kenan” she said with a smirk,

after begging with chocolates and my soul, my darling cousin (note the sarcasm) finally agreed to help me, and we agreed to go for the shopping on Sunday,

“sani” she called “I told you to stop calling me than, I feel like an old man” I said with a grinned, “sani stop at al-noor pharmacy please, I need pills” she said again to piss me off “oh you’ve found your uber ko (right) ” I smirked “Aa (no) drop me here, it’s like you don’t need my help any more” she said

“do you have anywhere else to go, my tank is full” I said and she laughed, I stopped at al-noor and she asked me to stay back in the car, she came back few minutes later with a mini leather, “shall we?” I asked and she nodded, I dropped her home and went back to school to meet my project’s supervisor.

Sunday is here, I woke up really late, because I was so tired from the night before, I stayed awake all night studying for my exam, I brushed and went to the kitchen, I toasted bread and made coffee after eating my breakfast more like a brunch,  I wore my white jalabiya, I grab my car keys, credit card, phone and went outside and entered my car, I called malika and she said she’s at friend’s house, she described the place to me and I drove there and picked her up from her friend’s house and we went to al-dusar complex to shop, Malika picked a red flawless, by flawless, I mean flawless lace sewn into a sexy mermaid off-the-shoulder gown, I can picture Sabina in the red with her curves and tiny waist already,

***"Sunday is here, I woke up really late, because I was so tired from the night before, I stayed awake all night studying for my exam, I brushed and went to the kitchen, I toasted bread and made coffee after eating my breakfast more like a brunch...

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