00 | Prologue

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Flower In The Impure River | Prologue
Prologue | A childhood unchildlike

Park Jimin has never known luxury, or simply put, a middle class life.

Instead, he was born and thrown on the streets as a small pup, who was later picked up by a female omega who could barely care for herself but sacrificed herself to care after the small boy until he was old enough to be able to live on the streets.

Which was 6 years old. So, at six, he would roam around aimlessly with no final destination, his feet would split apart with shards of rocks and wine glass the rich would throw out, and infections would soon invade his tender feet.

At 8, he learned how to get fresh water by the maid who was not exactly kind to him but pitied his existence. She gifted him polyester fiber, but the unintentionally careless omega lost it in the deep ends of the dung heap so he decided he'd resorted to stealing cloth from clothing hangers by local woman, (usually underwear worked best.) and he'd soak them in river water, set it in the sun for the impuritys to evaporate.

This method surely has gotten him into alot of trouble, meaning, sometimes the women (Usually very scary omegas,) would catch him in the act and the omega would be chased by their very scary alphas.

So then, at age 10, Jimin beginned his realization of the world and how he shouldn't be fighting to atleast get warmth at night, or a meal.

But, what could the young boy do? He was looked at like a fly, a pest at most. Many would call him the beetle of the dung heap, since he'd lie near it, and it would make him smell terribly like the feces of animal droppings.

Then, at age 12, Jimin discovered washing, meaning, in various different ways. His clothes, his sad excuse for shoes and himself, he would bathe constantly in the rivers near the rich because he believed it is filtered and that it is pure water, the first time he did so he discovered he was light-skinned.

At age 14, Jimin had his first heat. Though, at the time he didn't know what it was but he hid it, he hid in the alley between the churches and curled into a ball through the cramps, avoiding getting out of the small spot to eat because he would draw attentions from the alpha preist who did not hold back to touch an omegas thighs who needed a free prayer.

So, after three days, he was back on his feet, walking around the village once again, feeding onto small scraps.

At age 16, Jimin decided he would move to a new village, he traveled with a map he stole from that damned church and made his way to a larger village named Kwan-Ju Village.

He had a completely fresh start, he could begin a new life and possibly have another career choice then being sold in a mating farm.

Only, that things went into the worst, where the mean alphas pulled his hair, and the omegas who were pampared daily would throw nail clippings at him because of his class and because he didn't have the latest robes nor enough coins to buy them. He learned that moving there was no use because even if people around there didn't know dung beetle he still engraved it into his head.

...So, 3 months later, he went back to his old village, Quilt-Jui Village.

People in the village thought he finally died, that the pest in the area finally was exterminated, so before Jimin walked back feeling heavier then before, (Weirdly heavy. He was basically malnourished.) He decided he didn't want go back to the village looking like that legend of the woman who cried for her children, so he grabbed old pink fabric from his pockets and tied his long hair, hoping he'd find a clipper sooner or later. (If he could afford one.)

He looked, alpha-like, he fibbed to himself.

So, during his way to the village, he shamefully rubbed his collar bones, but he randomly had this spark of hope. He did not want to go back being the useless munk of the village.

He looked at his palm, and bit his lip, he really needed something to eat, grass and the seeds he picked from sunflowers was not going to cut it anymore with his stomach sinking deeply into his ribs. He needed calories.

So, he did what he needed to do, with his lack of confidence he walked to the steps of the mean midwife.

vulgar language | character death (none major.) | sex scenes | the yellow fever


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