02 | The Lists

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Two
Chapter Two | The Lists

To say the least, it was awkward when Jimin folowed the alpha around when he usually wondered around the village alone.

Some things he learned in this short amount of time:

1. Loneliness is a true distill in the heart and that is what empties a soul.

2. He's unsure of how to speak to anyone other then cries and pleads to stop attacking him. (He was used to only being talked to when being a target.)

and 3. Everyone in this town is really gorgeous and Jimin felt like an odd one out.

So, as the fellow omega awkwardly trailed behind the strong scented alpha as people stared and snickered, (Assuming the omega had fallen for someone WAY out of his league and was creepily following Taehyung.) Jimin went out of his way to take a few steps back so the alpha wouldn't have to be seen with him.

Jimin had never felt..insecurity. Only the sense of survival and how much did I eat today and am I going to faint?

So, he was unsure of what he felt, but he felt a need to change. To change his hair, his body, everything.

Taehyung hummed when he reached the shop his brother worked at and turned to Jimin, and called him over before ringing the bell on the shelf.

"Ya-hoo," Taehyung called as Hoseok grumpily walked out as he cleaned a wrench. Oil all over his muscles. "What Taehyung?"

"Just wanted to pay my brother a visit," Taehyung smiles, as Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Maybe pay your brother a visit by helping him."

"I will, but before I do i'd like you to meet Jimin,"

Hoseok raises an eyebrow when he looked over at the incredibly skinny omega, he hums. "Is that beetle?"

"Yeah," Taehyung clears his throat. "Mother said he'd decided not to be a muck anymore."

"That's good to hear." Hoseok chuckles, Jimin looks at him and couldn't help but feel threatened. "He-hello," He says shyly, handing his hand to the alpha as the other shook it.

"My, my. You are very pretty when you don't look like the llorona with your hair down," Hoseok chuckles, "Would you like a trim? I only have a pork skin cutter, but it could do."

Jimin frowns, shaking his head. He started to think he prefers his hair along with his scalp.

Taehyung rolls his eyes at his brother. "You're scaring him."

Hoseok smiles, opening the gate. "Come in and help me until the church hour ends."

Taehyung groans, turning over to the omega who watched. "Dung beetle,"

Jimin frowned as the alpha shook his head, saying a small sorry. "I meant, Jimin. Here," he says, reaching into his pockets and handing him 10 coins and a small peice of paper. "Buy my mother the items on the list. If there is extra money, help yourself."

Jimin nods, staring at the alpha as he stared back, until Taehyung suddenly rose his eyebrow, "Go, omega. I'll be here."

The small omega nods, walking off shyly as he looks down at the list.

1. Pasta
2. wheats
3. Fresh chicken meat (Make sure it's recently killed.)
4. Fresh pork (Also recently killed. Better if they kill it infront of you.)

Jimin frowns, realizing Taehyung gave him his chores but shrugged it off, beginning to walk to the small stands where they sold food, He wondered it it was good when they didn't even cover the fruits or vegetables with blankets, the flies and mosquitoes easily would suck off the nectar.

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