18 | Softcore

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Flower In The Impure River | Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen | Softcore

TW// a little darker then usual

"We've got him. Jungkook killed your father." Ha-lb says softly as he looked down at the dead soldier on the table, a cloth covering his body but the deep slit in his throat bared into both their eyes. Eun looks down at the dead alpha and gulps, never seeing her father so vunrable...so unresponsive.

"F-for good?" She asks with big eyes before Ha-lb tilts his head and nods, an eyebrow rosen. Dead means..dead. Eun hums, looking down at the alphas dead body and gulps. "Wow."

Eun remembered the times she'd pray for her father to die, but never knew her wishes be in command. Never knew the princes polished hands would do to the favor, so brutally aswell. She is sure he suffered greatly.

"Thank the prince for me, King." Eun says softly before turning away. "Have they found Kim Taehyung or Min Yoongi?"

"No traces. Jungkook will not say anything, so I assume they've long expired." Ha-lb says softly. Eun frowns with a nod, "How about Jungkook? What will happen to him?"

"Well.. currently they are removing the unborn pup in him, because he is to have children with who he marries. Yu-ol does not take rule breaking lightly. Plus, his boyfriends will be thrown into cells when they find them." Ha-lb says softly.

"Who did the pups belong to?" Eun asks, staring at Ha-lbs big grey eyes, the omega looks out the window and sighs. "I want to say one of his boyfriends, but knowing Yu-ol, and her past fantasies with Byeong..." He pauses snd lowers his voice. "It was probably her pup. She likely molested him in his sleep."

"Oh.." Eun frowns, then sees Yu-ol walking in, a calm expression on her face as she places the pistol on the desk besides Eun's fathers dead body. "Alert Haeil, Jävery, and Ashley that I've killed their mates, Eun." The alpha says before looking sternly at the young girl, she looks at her with big eyes before she waves her off. Eun rushes off, her skirt flaring.

"You mustn't do that, Yu-ol." Ha-lb frowns, and the alpha rose her eyebrows. "I just did, omega."

Ha-lb purses his lips, "I-I must admit to you something, I know the moment is incorrect because of the situation with Jungkook and-"

He pauses as Yu-ol lighting a cigar. The omega clears his throat, "I am carrying, once again.. and I do know it is insignificant to you, but I sincerely want this pup!"

Yu-ol rolls her eyes, "You had Jungkook and Byeong behind my back, why do you want more?"

"B-because, Yu-ol, I am your omega, I have to have your pups." He trembles, the alpha scoffs. "Of course you do."

"Yu-ol, please.. we mustn't be so hostile with eachother, we must make chan-"

"No, Ha-lb! What makes you think i'll have a change of heart? Now come on, skank." She says as she grabs a clothing hanger.

Ha-lb's heart drops as he's grabbed by his wrist. "N-no, Yu-ol, please! Anything, I'll do anything!" He cries, "It hurts when you do that, y-you've damaged by uterine walls."

Yu-ol continues dragging him, and Ha-lb breaks down into tears, "I-i've wanted to kill myself because of you, Yu-ol, you're disgusting, I absolutely hate you!" He sobs, "Just kill me for once!"

"I'll give you something to cry about," She growls, shoving the omega off of her before landing a harsh kick on his stomach, "Oops, there goes your child, I was going to abuse it's cunt either way." She snarls, and lands a punch on his nose, immediately causing his nose to bleed. "You want a good alpha, don't you?" Yu-ol asks, before kneeling down to his level, he had tears gushing down his cheeks. "You don't deserve that, you don't deserve anything good. Just a useless boy omega meant to fuck and look pretty." She laughs, as Ha-lb looks away, in attempt to not let out a sob.

She smirks, grabbing his cheeks and pressing on them, opening his mouth. She hums, gathering saliva in her mouth before spitting on his face and into his mouth. "You know, let's make you useful for once," the alpha says softly, grabbing Ha-lbs pliant wrist and placing his palm on her erection.

Jimin walked besides Taehyung as he cradled Jihoo in his arms who had a red nose from sneezing so much, he held onto the small baby and let out a small sob. The condition of the small pup has worsened and there was no way to help hum.

"Do not cry, Jimin." Taehyung says softly, putting his hand on the small of Jimins back. "Maryland is near, i'd assume. But, we must wrap him in the quilt and give him milk from the mare."

"H-he is to small to deal with such an infection like yellow fever." Jimin says softly, wiping his tears as he looked at Yoongi and Hoseok who strolled infront of them, "Too small."

"Yet, we are not sure if he has the yellow fever, so it is better not to fret yet." The alpha comforts as Jihoo sneezes once again. Jimin sighs, "Taehyung, his mother had died of the yellow fever, no doubt. He likely breast fred and the infection passed to him."

The alpha sighs, looking off. "The nearest town is Jamestown, we don't have money but we can definitely convince somebody to allow us to rest. We can find something for Jihoo too, you know how to make medication, right? My mother taught you."

Jimin nods, looking at Taehyung with big eyes. The alpha looks at the two infront of him who faced away then turned back and pressed his lips against the omegas. "This'll be worth it. We just need updates and the fever and need maesters for my mother." he whispers, and Jimin frowns, "I think we should go to the nearest town and forget about marylands maesters. They've got the best but.. it's too far.."

"We can't allow Jihoo to be near Quilt-Jui though, it's infected.." Taehyung begins walking again and Jimin follows. "It's infected, I know. We can quickly go into the castle. They've got the best protection."

"You know once they see me they'll marry me to Jungkook... since my mother already agreed." The alpha says softly and Jimin nods, "We aren't in a fairytale, Taehyung... You have to remember."

"I love you though. I cannot lose you," The alpha says softly, looking down at Jimin who pauses in their tracks again. Seeing if there's any hint of the omegas hopes loss. None.

"You won't." Jimin smiles sadly, "You won't," He reassures, patting Taehyungs cheek. He looks down at Jihoo who looked at them in big doe eyes. "Especially when we share this pup," the omega says softly.

Taehyung stares down at both of them, before nodding and grabbing Jimins small fingers into his large ones.

They are too young for this.

Ha-lb deserves way better

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