22 | Hairless

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Flower In The Impure River | Hairless
Chapter Twenty-Two

"Not there, Hoseok." Yoongi frowns, as he sat on the alphas lap whom pressed against his sore joints to soothe them. The young man frowns and lowers his hands to the omegas lower back, pressing softly with the pads of his fingers. He heard Yoongi croon.

"Do you believe it will go back to normal, everything?" Yoongi asks softly so suddenly, and he felt the alphas shoulders drop. "What is normal now considered to be?"

"I assume the serene." the omega says softly, lifting himself a bit to press his palm on the alphas chest. "All this trip for nothing. The maester was no good. I only found an aid kit."

"Something good came out of it." Hoseok says softly.

Yoongi tilts his head.

"Us." The alpha chuckles, and Yoongi smiles a bit. "Don't be like that.."

Yoongi frowns, looking off. "If the empidemic is not over, Hoseok, we will die." the omega says sadly, and the alpha smiles, "If you catch it first, or I do, we are allowed to sneeze on eachother."

Yoongi bursts out laughing before they hear Jimin giggle in the front, then turns back to look at them. "gross!" he shrieks, then Taehyung snickers besides him.

Jimin sighs after a small chuckle, and looks off outside. He stared at the trees they passed, as the horses galloped in a speedy manner. In no time they'll arrive back to Quilt-Jui. He wanted to be in Taehyungs arms at this moment, hold him. Fool himself into believing the alpha is his mate, his lover. Just once, before he'd have to come to reality and realize he will marry and mate another omega.

He looks off with a frown, and wanted to start bawling. Though, he didn't, because instead, he had a cooing baby reaching to touch his nose. "Jihoo." The omega croons, lifting the small pup up as he pressed a soft kiss on the childs nose. "Ready to meet grandmama?"

Taehyung turns with a smile and a risen eyebrow as he held the whips in his hands. "Grandmama?" He asks.

"Yes," Jimin smiles cheekily. "Grandmama would be so happy to see you, baby boy." He squeals, and the baby mimicked him. The omega lifted his blue jammy top before blowing raspberries on his stomach. The small pup screams at the ticklish feeling, laughing hard. Jimin nuzzles his nose into the babies tummy.

After Jimin stopped torturing his baby, he turns to Taehyung. "When do you believe he will have his first words?"

"He looks about 3 months so maybe soon?" Taehyung shrugs, and Jihoo coos. Bouncing on his socked feet as Jimin held him up by his armpits. The alpha grabs tightly onto the whips with his left hand and gently squeezes the babies cheeks.

Jihoo coos, reaching over until one of the horses stopped, and the alpha quickly turns and looks at the horse struggle, he frowns, quickly stepping off to check on the mare and gasps.

Warts. Everywhere. On its hooves, and one of them popped, which was causing it to stop because of the pain.

This will be long.

In no time, (days, they suppose.) they where back at Quilt-Jui. It took less time on a carriage then on foot. Taehyung felt a bit bitter of the suffering they had to face only because certain individuals, broke the old one.

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